[Why raising this question?]
Recently, I was testing restful webservice SDK to get logon-token. However, in my own laptop, for example, /biprws/logon/long always returned {"error_code":"RWS 00070","message":"Internal server error. (RWS 00070)"} in my javascript.
I got stuck in this problem for a long time because according to documentations, what I should add to header are
Testing by Postman, everything was good...
After I copying my codes to a machine which only English supported, the codes were working well! After I changing the language setting of my laptop, magically, the codes were working as well!
Working request header:
Non-working request header:
Compared working network traffic to non-working network traffic, I found only "Accept-Language" is strongly related to this issue. So, I added another request header "Accept-Language" in my code:
headers: { "Accept": "application/json", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin":"*", "Accept-Language":"en-US" }
Then, OK now.
After adding the header, network traffic showed the request returned 200
And, the request header was:
And token got.
For non-EN IE user, "Accept-Language":"en-US" is really really important. Otherwise, such issue may make you confused for a long time.