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Creating a Fiori-like comparison tile with Design Studio and two extensions


Hey everybody!


This blog assumes you have some experience creating applications with SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio with CSS and scripting.


Last time out in Extending Design Studio with an HTML extension and HTML bars I showed you how to use HTML (and avoid script injection) to create a comparison bar for SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio, so you could make something that looks a bit like this:


Now, I will show you how to use that HTML within Design Studio including how to update it at runtime with real data.



You can find links to these in the resources section below...


For this you will either need an understanding of HTML and scripting in Design Studio as well as:

  1. The HTML extension and the Design Studio SDK sample KPI Tile extension installed.
  2. OR the HTML extension and use out of the box Design Studio controls for the rest of the tile...
  3. OR if you could try the Rapid Prototyping HTML extension but you then need to watch out for script injection on your own.


The choice is yours... Although I'd recommend option 1 for following along with this blog


These steps are for SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio 1.6 to create a fiori-like Headcount tile:


Create the overall tile in your Design Studio application

  1. Add a Panel component to the canvas and use these settings:
    1. Width: 184
    2. Height: 176
  2. Add a KPI Tilecomponentinto your panel and use these settings:
    1. Top Margin: 0
    2. Left Margin: 0
    3. Width: 184
    4. Height: 176
    5. Header: Headcount
    6. Title:
    7. Footer:
    8. Value:
    9. Value Suffix:
  3. Add a HTMLcomponentinto your panel and use these settings:
    1. Top Margin: 40
    2. Left Margin: 10
    3. Width: 164
    4. Height: 100


The tile should look something like this:


Create the Design Studio script to set the HTML bars at runtime


Here is the HTML for the hard coded bars from the last blog:


<table width="100%" style="bottom: 14px; border-collapse: collapse; position: absolute; line-height: normal; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal;" border="0">    <tbody>        <tr style="border-top-color: transparent; border-top-style: solid;">            <td style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Male</td>            <td align="right" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">5,845</td>        </tr>        <tr>            <td height="12" style="background: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(88, 181, 230) 0%, rgb(88, 181, 230) 100%, rgb(211, 217, 221) 100%, rgb(211, 217, 221) 100%, rgb(211, 217, 221) 100%);" colspan="2" /> </tr>        <tr style="border-top-color: transparent; border-top-style: solid;">            <td style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Female</td>            <td align="right" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">4,957</td>        </tr>        <tr>            <td height="12" style="background: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(88, 181, 230) 0%, rgb(88, 181, 230) 84.81%, rgb(211, 217, 221) 84.81%, rgb(211, 217, 221) 84.81%, rgb(211, 217, 221) 100%);" colspan="2" /> </tr>    </tbody></table>

We are now going to turn that script into global scripts within Design Studio:


  1. In Design Studio, under Technical Components, create a Global Scripts Object
  2. We will split the script into three parts:
    1. The header - the top of the HTML table
    2. A bar - we will call this for the Male and the Female entries
    3. The footer - the bottom of the HTML table
  3. Create the table header HTML global script function:
    1. On GLOBAL_SCRIPTS_1 create a script function:
      1. Name: createMiniChartHeader
      2. Input Parameters:
        1. None
      3. Return Type:
        1. String
      4. Code:
        return "<table width='100%' style='bottom: 14px; " +
         "border-collapse: collapse; " +
         "position: absolute; line-height: normal; " +
         "font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; " +
         "font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal;' border='0'>" +
  4. Create the bar HTML global script function:
    1. On GLOBAL_SCRIPTS_1 create a script function:
      1. Name: createMiniChartBar
      2. Input Parameters:
        1. title of type String
        2. valueText of type String
        3. valuePercent of type float
        4. color of type String
        5. noFillColor of type String
      3. Return Type:
        1. String
      4. Code:
        // Max bar is 100%.
        valuePercent = Math.min(100.0, valuePercent);
        // Return the title, value and linear gradient bar html for the value percentage.
  5. Create the table footer HTML global script function:
    1. On GLOBAL_SCRIPTS_1 create a script function:
      1. Name: createMiniChartFooter
      2. Input Parameters:
        1. None
      3. Return Type:
        1. String
      4. Code:
        return "</tbody></table>";
  6. The data behind this app is simple:

  7. The data source DS_1 looks like this in Edit Initial View:
  8. And finally for the scripting, create the script that uses the three mini chart scripts to create the bars at runtime:
    1. We are going to create the application startup script that:
      1. Reads the titles and values from from DS_1
      2. Keeps track of the totalvalue and maximumvalue (used to calculate the value percentages later on)
      3. Creates the mini chart header HTML
      4. For each title from DS_1 it adds a mini chart bar HTML based on the value percentage (so in this case one for Male and one for Female)
      5. Creates the mini chart footer
      6. Shows the mini chart in HTML_1
      7. Shows the total value in the KPI_TILE_1 footer
    2. On the application add the following to your On Startup event script:
    3. // Calculate max value.
      var title = "";
      var value = 0.0;
      var maxValue = 0.0;
      var totalValue = 0.0;
      var memberValues = DS_1.getMembers("Title", 2);
      memberValues.forEach(function(element, index) {  // Get the value title and value.  title = element.internalKey;  value = DS_1.getData("Value", {    "Title": title  }).value;  // Keep track of the total and maximum value.  totalValue = totalValue + value;  maxValue = Math.max(value, maxValue);
      // Create the mini chart HTML header.
      var miniChart = GLOBAL_SCRIPTS_1.createMiniChartHeader();
      // Create the mini chart HTML bars.
      var valuePercent = 0.0;
      var valueText = "";
      var numFormat = "#,##0";
      var color = "rgb(88, 181, 230)";  // Blue.
      var noFillColor = " rgb(211, 217, 221)";  // Light gray.
      memberValues.forEach(function(element, index) {  // Get the value title and value.  title = element.internalKey;  value = DS_1.getData("Value", {    "Title": title  }).value;  // Convert the value into a formatted string.  valueText = Convert.floatToString(value, numFormat);  // Calculate the value percentage.  valuePercent = 0;  if (maxValue > 0) {    valuePercent = value / maxValue * 100.0;  }  // Add the bar HTML.  miniChart = miniChart +        GLOBAL_SCRIPTS_1.createMiniChartBar(title,            valueText, valuePercent, color, noFillColor);
      // Create the mini chart HTML footer.
      miniChart = miniChart + GLOBAL_SCRIPTS_1.createMiniChartFooter();
      // Set the HTML bar.
      // Set the KPI Tile footer - the total value.
      KPITILE_1.setFooterText("Total: " +    Convert.floatToString(totalValue, numFormat));
  9. Test your app in a browser and it should look something like this:

Thats getting very close, finally we can add some CSS to the tile title and total.


Add CSS for styling the tile and bars

  1. Go to the Custom CSS setting for your application and if you don't have one assigned, click the blank field and then the Pencil button to create an empty CSS file. Then click the ... button to browse for your file.
  2. Add the following CSS to your Custom CSS file:
  3. .borderBox {
    box-sizing: border-box !important; /* do not include the margins in the overall size, so we match the width and height set in Design Studio */
    .kpiTile {
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
    border: 1px solid #797979;
    border-radius: 4px;
    box-sizing: border-box !important; /* do not include the margins in the overall size, so we match the width and height set in Design Studio */
    .kpiTileHeader {
    font-family: arial,sans-serif; 
    font-size: 16px; 
    font-weight: normal; 
    color: #333333 !important;
    box-sizing: border-box !important; /* do not include the margins in the overall size, so we match the width and height set in Design Studio */
    .kpiTileFooter {
    font-family: arial,sans-serif; 
    font-size: 14px; 
    font-weight: normal; 
    color: #666666;
    box-sizing: border-box !important; /* do not include the margins in the overall size, so we match the width and height set in Design Studio */
  4. Now we can assign these CSS classes to your components:
    1. Change your panel component settings:
      1. CSS Class: borderBox
    2. Change the KPI Tile settings:
      1. CSS Class: kpiTile
      2. Header CSS Class: kpiTileHeader
      3. Footer CSS Class: kpiTileFooter
      4. Footer Horizontal Alignment: right
  5. And thats it!


Here is the finished tile running in a web browser



And as a bonus exercise you can tidy up the Design Studio script by moving the header and bar styles into your CSS file.


Thanks for tuning in, Happy Holidays, see you again in 2016!


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