We have been working on getting our HANA Systems currently on either SPS10(102.02) or SPS09(97.03) to the latest version of the SPS10(102.03) and come across an interesting error that I would like to share
Our HANA systems both Single container and Multi Database container(MDC) systems are on SPS10 and SPS09 versions
Due to some of the known issues with these versions we have decided to go with SPS10 102.03 version that was released earlier last week, please find the SAP note for the same
We started the upgrade earlier this week and right after the upgrade(of both SPS10 and SPS09) versions to SPS 102.03 we started noticing the below errors every minute:
error calling 601: 259 invalid table name: Table HELPER_ALERT_CHECK__INACTIVE_STREAMING_ADAPTER_STATE_AGE
was not found in the FROM Claus. Please refer the SAP note 2241598
As suggested by the error message we referred the below SAP note and implemented the workaround suggested by the note to introduce a parameter under the configuration settings for HANA. This did not address the issue and the errors continued to occur
After further checks we identified the table referred by the error above was not found under the _SYS_STATISTICS schema. Further checks confirmed this table exists under the schema before the upgrade
This led us to another approach and we tried the steps indicated under the below SAP note to reinitialize the Embedded statistics server that will drop all objects and recreate a new set of objects under the _SYS_STATISTICS server thereby wiping off all the old alerts that have been occurring since the upgrade
Please note this approach will remove all old alerts and email configuration that was in place on HANA before and you will need to recreate them again
Hope this helps any new customers trying the 102.03 upgrade and facing similar errors