I'm having one table with multiple headers.
I'm having three headers, i'm hiding second header, using java script it's looks good at first page
PAGE 2 (subsequent page) issue page.
Blank space is there in place of second header.
I tried too many thing for this, raise threads but no response.
So i found one alternative do perform this kind of scenarios.
You need one flag variable in your interface.
Set FLAG in Code Initialization of Interface. You can define your logic for setting flag.
Make use of ALTERNATIVE, (in your form)
After creating ALTERNATIVE, drag your table in TRUE and FALSE sections, and set Alternate condition.
Now Go to layout, and drag and drop ALTERNATIVE node from Data View. Two table created on your page.
Now add header rows according your requirements. and wrap them into Section. (Select rows -> right click -> Group as Section)
and check repeat on subsequent page and initial page
Set Content type of sub-form ALTERNATIVE, TRUE and FALSE toFlowed.
Set Overflow of sub-form ALTERNATIVE to Go To Page 1.
If flag = 0 it display 1st table with two headers, else 2nd with three headers.
Hope this helps.