BC-CCM-MON-TUN | 950019 | STAD "Roll (in+wait) time" in RFC/CPIC/ALE statistic records | 30.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON | 1304555 | CCMS: New registration of monitored components | 29.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-SHM | 2251447 | CCMS: SNMP utilities failing on WinNT | 31.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-TUN | 1573654 | STAD: new task types WS-RFC / WS-HTTP | 30.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON | 1753933 | STAD: ESI statitistic is not available | 30.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-TUN | 1865620 | ASACT: PERFORM_NOT_FOUND during the initialization | 30.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON | 2257334 | RZ21: Error "OpenSharedMemory failed" raised during registration of monitored c | 30.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-TUN | 1556849 | TCOLL: reports RSBGRFCCLR and /SDF/RSORAVSH | 28.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-TUN | 1547735 | Reports RSSTAT27 and RSSTAT28 | 28.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-TUN | 2187615 | STAD: APC corrections | 28.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON | 2245999 | CCMS: Missing or not-updated MTE nodes in Java Startup Framework monitor | 25.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-SLG | 2225249 | The size of system log file not changed after modifying parameter rslg/max_disk | 24.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-CNF-PFL | 2248581 | Function Module RZL_READ_DIR_LOCAL could not return more than 10000 directory | 23.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-TUN | 2249140 | Wrong Percentage Values in ST03N BI Workload | 22.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-TUN | 2260158 | ST03n: Wrong report name in F1 Help | 22.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-TUN | 2237217 | ST03n BW Workload: infoObect name instead of query name | 21.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-TUN | 2095192 | Extension of the statistic API for UCON | 18.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-TUN | 2169409 | CALL_FUNCTION_SEND_ERROR exceptions caused by SWNC_STAD_READ_STATRECS | 18.12.2015 |
BC-OP-NT | 1409604 | Virtualization on Windows: Enhanced monitoring | 17.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-TUN | 2220826 | Function module SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_DIRECTORY makes expensive DB call | 17.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-TUN | 2238077 | ST03n: Error reading the data of InfoProvider | 17.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-TUN | 2241957 | ST03n: High response time in average for task type RFC | 17.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-TUN | 2250352 | SWNC_GET_STATRECS_FRAME: new subrecords | 17.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-TUN | 1523891 | ST10: no weekly data available anymore | 16.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON | 2246795 | Runtime errors during central syslog filter distribution (2) | 15.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON | 1453112 | CCMS agent and kernel patches | 14.12.2015 |
BC-CST-DP | 2249807 | rdisp/reverse_name_lookup appears in TU02 | 11.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON | 2233680 | Runtime errors during central syslog filter distribution | 09.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-OS | 2070405 | saposcol returns wrong data for LAN errors | 08.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON-OS | 2220064 | Potential denial of service in saposcol | 08.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON | 2242207 | CCMS: Cannot maintain properties of MTEs from J2EE contexts in dual stack syste | 08.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON | 2239558 | AL11: No truncation of user names longer than 8 characters | 04.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON | 2221067 | SAP_CCMS_MONI_BATCH_DP long running in SAPLHTTP_RUNTIME | 01.12.2015 |
BC-CCM-MON | 2221116 | Job SAP_CCMS_MONI_BATCH_DP canceled with short dump CALL_FUNCTION_REMOTE_ERROR | 01.12.2015 |
CCMS area: Updated notes in 2015 Dec.