Hello community,
since four days offers SAP a new patch level of the SAP GUI for Windows. With this patch level 7 SAP offers also a new version of the SAP GUI Scripting API (sapfewse.ocx). There are some notable changes:
- The following controls
$CLSID_SAPFEWSELib_GuiListControl = GUID$("{CC75EA97-3DB1-4BDF-9791-89D09B1800A0}")
$CLSID_SAPFEWSELib_GuiInputControl = GUID$("{31233701-DF39-49F7-A641-16CAB0C9C5F0}")
are changed to
$CLSID_SAPFEWSELib_GuiComboBoxControl = GUID$("{CC75EA97-3DB1-4BDF-9791-89D09B1800A0}")
$CLSID_SAPFEWSELib_GuiInputFieldControl = GUID$("{31233701-DF39-49F7-A641-16CAB0C9C5F0}")
Also the interfaces from
$IID_SAPFEWSELib_ISapListControlTarget = GUID$("{6E824989-726A-45EE-9FF0-52DC1A41D8D4}")
$IID_SAPFEWSELib_ISapInputControlTarget = GUID$("{D2C7FEC7-052E-4BA3-BE44-526D9E0925C4}")
$IID_SAPFEWSELib_ISapComboBoxControlTarget = GUID$("{6E824989-726A-45EE-9FF0-52DC1A41D8D4}")
$IID_SAPFEWSELib_ISapInputFieldControlTarget = GUID$("{D2C7FEC7-052E-4BA3-BE44-526D9E0925C4}") - It seems that the GuiListControl is now renamed to a GuiComboBoxControl with different methods.
As far as I can see the methods
SetSelectionID <1> (In i As Long<0>)
GetSelectionID <2> () As Long
GetSelectionText <3> () As WString
GetTextFromID <4> (In idVal As Long<0>) As WString
SetInputControlText <5> (In ISapListControlTarget As WString<0>) As Integer
GetInputControlText <6> () As WString
SetComboboxText <7> (In Text As WString<0>)
GetLabelText <9> () As WString
doesn't exists anymore. - It is the same with GuiInputControl and now GuiInputFieldControl.
As far as I can see the methods
SetInputControlText <1> (In ISapInputControlTarget As WString<0>) As Integer
GetInputControlText <2> () As WString
doesn't exists anymore.
If you use this controls in your SAP GUI Scripting programs, be careful if you update to PL7.