Hello community,
SAP offers an RFC enabled FM to get information about the RFC context, it is RFC_GET_ATTRIBUTES. It delivers interesting information which can be used to analyze error situations. To call this function module I use CCo. Below two examples, the first in PowerShell the second in VBScript, how to use this FM.
Enjoy it.
PowerShell Example
$RFC_OK = 0
$VarByRef = -1
#-Function Get-RFCAttributes------------------------------------------
Function Get-RFCAttributes {
param([String] $FMName)
$SAP = $null
$SAP = Create-Object "COMNWRFC"
if ($SAP -eq $null) {
$hRFC = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcOpenConnection" $Argument
if ($hRFC -eq 0) {
Free-Object $SAP
Remove-Variable SAP
$Argument = @($hRFC, "RFC_GET_ATTRIBUTES")
$hFuncDesc = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetFunctionDesc" $Argument
if ($hFuncDesc -eq 0) {
Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcCloseConnection" $hRFC > $Null
Free-Object $SAP
Remove-Variable SAP
$hFunc = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcCreateFunction" $hFuncDesc
if ($hFunc -eq 0) {
Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcCloseConnection" $hRFC > $Null
Free-Object $SAP
Remove-Variable SAP
$rc = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcInvoke" @($hRFC, $hFunc)
if ($rc -eq $RFC_OK) {
Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetChars" @($hFunc, "CALLER_DESTINATION",
$VarByRef, 32) > $Null
$charBuffer = Get-Property $SAP "strByRef"
Write-Host $charBuffer
Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetChars" @($hFunc, "CALLER_IP",
$VarByRef, 32) > $Null
$charBuffer = Get-Property $SAP "strByRef"
Write-Host $charBuffer
Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetChars" @($hFunc, "CALLER_RFC_TYPE",
$VarByRef, 1) > $Null
$charBuffer = Get-Property $SAP "strByRef"
Write-Host $charBuffer
Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetChars" @($hFunc, "CALLER_START_INFO",
$VarByRef, 32) > $Null
$charBuffer = Get-Property $SAP "strByRef"
Write-Host $charBuffer
Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetChars" @($hFunc, "CALLER_PROGRAM",
$VarByRef, 20) > $Null
$charBuffer = Get-Property $SAP "strByRef"
Write-Host $charBuffer
Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetChars" @($hFunc, "CALLER_SYSTEM_RELEASE",
$VarByRef, 4) > $Null
$charBuffer = Get-Property $SAP "strByRef"
Write-Host $charBuffer
Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetChars" @($hFunc, "CALLER_KERNEL_RELEASE",
$VarByRef, 4) > $Null
$charBuffer = Get-Property $SAP "strByRef"
Write-Host $charBuffer
Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetChars" @($hFunc, "CALLER_ASYNC_TYPE",
$VarByRef, 1) > $Null
$charBuffer = Get-Property $SAP "strByRef"
Write-Host $charBuffer
Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetChars" @($hFunc, "CALLER_TRANS_TYPE",
$VarByRef, 1) > $Null
$charBuffer = Get-Property $SAP "strByRef"
Write-Host $charBuffer
Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetChars" @($hFunc, "CALLER_PCS",
$VarByRef, 1) > $Null
$charBuffer = Get-Property $SAP "strByRef"
Write-Host $charBuffer
Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetChars" @($hFunc, "CALLER_CODEPAGE",
$VarByRef, 4) > $Null
$charBuffer = Get-Property $SAP "strByRef"
Write-Host $charBuffer
Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetChars" @($hFunc, "CALLER_MDMP",
$VarByRef, 1) > $Null
$charBuffer = Get-Property $SAP "strByRef"
Write-Host $charBuffer
Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcDestroyFunction" $hFunc > $Null
Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcCloseConnection" $hRFC > $Null
Free-Object $SAP
Remove-Variable SAP
#-Sub Main------------------------------------------------------------
Function Main {
VBScript Example
Option Explicit
Const RFC_OK = 0
'-Function RfcGetAttributes-------------------------------------------
Function RfcGetAttributes()
Dim SAP, hRFC, rc, hFuncDesc, hFunc, hTable, RowCount, i, Row
Dim charBuffer, strText
Set SAP = CreateObject("COMNWRFC")
If Not IsObject(SAP) Then
Exit Function
End If
hRFC = SAP.RfcOpenConnection("ASHOST=ABAP, SYSNR=00, " & _
If hRFC = 0 Then
Set SAP = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
hFuncDesc = SAP.RfcGetFunctionDesc(hRFC, "RFC_GET_ATTRIBUTES")
If hFuncDesc = 0 Then
rc = SAP.RfcCloseConnection(hRFC)
Set SAP = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
hFunc = SAP.RfcCreateFunction(hFuncDesc)
If hFunc = 0 Then
rc = SAP.RfcCloseConnection(hRFC)
Set SAP = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
If SAP.RfcInvoke(hRFC, hFunc) = RFC_OK Then
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(hFunc, "CALLER_DESTINATION", charBuffer, 32)
strText = Trim(charBuffer) & vbCrLf
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(hFunc, "CALLER_IP", charBuffer, 32)
strText = strText & Trim(charBuffer) & vbCrLf
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(hFunc, "CALLER_RFC_TYPE", charBuffer, 1)
strText = strText & Trim(charBuffer) & vbCrLf
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(hFunc, "CALLER_START_INFO", charBuffer, 32)
strText = strText & Trim(charBuffer) & vbCrLf
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(hFunc, "CALLER_PROGRAM", charBuffer, 20)
strText = strText & Trim(charBuffer) & vbCrLf
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(hFunc, "CALLER_SYSTEM_RELEASE", charBuffer, 4)
strText = strText & Trim(charBuffer) & vbCrLf
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(hFunc, "CALLER_KERNEL_RELEASE", charBuffer, 4)
strText = strText & Trim(charBuffer) & vbCrLf
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(hFunc, "CALLER_ASYNC_TYPE", charBuffer, 1)
strText = strText & Trim(charBuffer) & vbCrLf
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(hFunc, "CALLER_TRANS_TYPE", charBuffer, 1)
strText = strText & Trim(charBuffer) & vbCrLf
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(hFunc, "CALLER_PCS", charBuffer, 1)
strText = strText & Trim(charBuffer) & vbCrLf
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(hFunc, "CALLER_CODEPAGE", charBuffer, 4)
strText = strText & Trim(charBuffer) & vbCrLf
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(hFunc, "CALLER_MDMP", charBuffer, 1)
strText = strText & Trim(charBuffer) & vbCrLf
End If
rc = SAP.RfcDestroyFunction(hFunc)
rc = SAP.RfcCloseConnection(hRFC)
Set SAP = Nothing
RfcGetAttributes = strText
End Function
'-Sub Main------------------------------------------------------------
Sub Main()
MsgBox RfcGetAttributes()
End Sub