- WARN: windows platform for mobile is only supported on windows desktop! You cannot use a mac for this!
- Install and set up environment
- Make sure node and npm is installed
- there is a bug: you can/should use the latest version but then you cannot use proxy, so use direct internet access !
- Make sure cordova 5.0 installed (check with cordova -v)
- Take a kapsel drop: this should contain the Kapsel plugins for iOS, Android, Windows.
- Create and set up a new cordova app with logon plugin
- cordova create PATH ID NAME
- Go into the folder created by the previous command
- Add the platform
- cordova platform add windows
- Add the Logon plugin
- cordova plugin add kapsel-plugin-logon -sourcepath <path of 'plugins' in kapsel drop> This will add every dependency of the Logon plugin as well
- Make sure all the necessary html/js is prepared for the platforms
- cordova prepare
- Open the solution (CordovaApp.sln)
- The solution will automatically be migrated to Win8.1
- Remove the unnecessary 8.0 project
- Add the SampleFileCertificateProvider
- Download the SDKKapselSamples from github.wdf.sap.corp latest version as a zip. Unzip it somewhere.
- Take the SampleFileCertificateProvider project folder with all of its content (beside the .sln) and copy to the windows platform directory
- download from github
- copy to the generated app's platform\windows directory
- Add the SampleFileCertificateProvider sample project to the solution.
- right click, add existing project... select the SampleFileCertificateProvider.csproj
- Since the sample provider implements and interface which shipped in the kapsel drop you should set up the references: add the interface definition reference in the SampleFileCertificateProvider:
- references right click, add reference...
- browse the kapsel drop\plugins\logon\windows81\bin
- select all files
- select the SAP.CertificateProvider.winmd
- In order to use it in the app you should set up the references to it (for the CordovaApp.Windows and Phone as well)
- Add to the References: rigth click, add reference, solution/project and select the SampleFileCertificateProvider
- make sure the rpoject dependencies are correct, so the SampleFileCertificateProvider will be built before the app: check build dependencies/project dependency to the SampleFileCertificateProvider
- Add the necessary resources to the app
- If you haven't done in the previous step, download the SDKKapselSamples from github.wdf.sap.corp latest version as a zip. Unzip it somewhere.
- Go to the CertificateProviderCordovaSample folder
- Copy the index.html to the app's platform\windows\www folder and overwrite the existing file there
- Copy and add an AppMetadata.json file to the app project (CordovaApp.Windows and Phone), this is used to load the proper provider class. Its content should be similar:
- { "com.sap.certProviderClass" : "SAP.Sample.CertificateProvider.FileCertificateProvider,SampleFileCertificateProvider,ContentType=WindowsRuntime" }
- properties: Package Action=Resource; Copy to Output Directory=Do not copy
- Copy and add the MAFTEST.p12 file to the project
- properties: Package Action= content; Copy to Output Directory=Copy Always
- Build and run
- First click on the the logon button: a massge should appear as registration successful.
- click on sendrequest: a html screen should present with a fiori app