Dear All,
There are Many ways to upload the Mass data for Value mapping but the easy for creating value mapping using NWDS just browse the CSV file then values will be replicated in Cache monitor, before uploading the file we should follow the Predefined Structure for Value mapping.
Here you’ll find a little example of how you can make a value mapping replication for mass data using NWDS. I hope you enjoy it and useful.
Just Follow the below steps
1)Prepare the csv File For your values below formate by defining Sender and Receiver Agency ,Sender and Receiver Schema
2) Now we Need to upload the this CSV file using NWDS,I am assuming readers are aware of NWDS
Open the NWDS --> Connect to ID --> From Menu select option Process Integration --> Value Mapping --> Import Value Mapping then it will display the below Screen
then just browse the CSV file which you prepared, then it will show
3)Let check this values are updated in Cache or not
http://<host>:<port>/rwb --> Cache Monitoring
Here I am applying value Mapping for Country and name and one more VMT for Country is
5)Here is the output of the file
Can you See?!!!! … It’s easier, now you can make more examples by you, and make and stronger value mapping in your interfaces.
Best Regards
Umesh Reddy