There are two rejections happening in the last weeks due to lack of information in the tag group "Authorization to obtain the XML". The information for the accounting office must be sent in the XML for some regions and when it's not sent the NF-e is rejected with messages 486 or 487.
The filling of such field is done only via BAdI in the ERP. You can fill it with any of the BAdI's below:
1- BADI cl_nfe_print -> fill_autxml
2- BADI j_1bnf_add_data -> fill_autxml ( for those who already use the new BAdI )
There is no standard table in the ERP to store such information (CNPJ of the accounting office) so you'll probably need to store it in a custom table.
In GRC this information is mapped according to the data sent by the ERP. There is not validation in standard GRC to check if this is filled since the validation rule is optional and vary according to the region of the sender.
Renan Correa