SAP HANA; with its unique capabilities for advanced and high speed analytics, is the tool of choice for biomedical research. In this field, large numbers of data need to be sliced and diced, so that researcher can build and validate new research hypotheses, ultimatetly leading to optimized care. In addition, SAP is also active in other areas in personal medicine, and also with partners. Some of the examples:
- ASCO Cancerlinq uses SAP HANA. From SAPPHIRE NOW. “Patient Outcomes Through Real-Time Analysis of Big Data“: CancerLinq
- NCT Heidelberg employs SAP Medical Research Insights video and more. During Prof. Hasso Plattner's, Christof Kalle NCT demonstrated how SAP HANA
- Fast track to food security. Plant genomics article
- Digitizing Cervix Cancer Screening in Kenya
- Stanford School of Medicine Genomic Research
- Stopping Diabetes in its tracks with Connected Care - Roche and SAP
- Connected care transforms prenatal care - SAP and abcmedien partnership
- Seoul National University Bundang Webpage Video
- COPE with Cancer movie