Are you a Digitalist? That is, are you interested in helping your organization adapt to digital transformation? If so, check out the Q4 issue of Digitalist Magazine Executive Quarterly, now available on iTunes and Google Play (and don’t worry if you don’t have a tablet — it also looks great on your phone… )
This quarter’s topics include tech trends, profiles of disruptive companies and technologies, and interviews with leading thinkers shaping the future of business.
Click below to see a preview of the full contents:
This issue includes articles such as how digital disruption is changing the workplace and the latest trends and key conferences you should consider attending in 4Q. This week’s Microculture article is about Palermo Soho, the “Silicon Alley del Sur” in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
There’s an article on how digital transformation might be able to help with climate change (here’s the tweetable infographic)
I was interested in the results of the tweetchat between SAP’s Jonathan Becher and Sean Cornwell of Travelex on the role of the Chief Digital Officer in today’s organizations:
And this edition ends with some timeless truths in a digital age from SAP’s CEO Bill McDermott:
Get your copy of the Digitalist Magazine now — it’s where the digital economy is going!