Hi Guys,
Here are some of the latest changes in compliance area you should be aware of:
Some corrections around the 'Display Blocked Business Partners' report:
• A short dump might occur when pressing button 'Release Partner' in 'Display Blocked Business Partners' report (TRX /SAPSLL/SPL_BLBPLO, report /SAPSLL/SPL_BLOCKED_PARTNERSLO), if you have configured your reason for release related control settings for SPL screening with option 'Enter Neither Reason Nor Comments'. Please implement note 2242143to prevent this.
• Furthermore refreshing the edited comment of release reason doesn’t work properly in this report. This is behavior is corrected by note 2233543.
• Note 2165427 provides an enhancement for this report to display a new column with title "Expired Partner", which is hidden by default in ALV list currently. This way you will have the opportunity to show the expired state for GTS-related business partners which are flagged as archiving.
Some further runtime error preventing corrections provided for SPL area:
• Note 2235170 corrects a ‘Time Out’ error issue, which might occur when displaying SPL master data (TRX /SAPSLL/SPL_MD03, report /SAPSLL/SAPLSPL_MASTER_IFACE).
• Implementing note 2228525 will prevent a ‘SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC’ dump, which might occur in 'Create Comparison Index for Business Partner' report (TRX /SAPSLL/SPL_STBP, report /SAPSLL/SPL_CREATE_SEARCHTADRC), if you have configured two legal regulations to use same control procedure.
Legal Control related changes
• Note 2240578 will ensure that numbers relevant for determining the license types and the license (tariff numbers, export control classification numbers) are only determined from the document in case the product is relevant for control for the relevant legal regulation or an active implementation of the BAdI /SAPSLL/LCC_DOCUMENT exists. Furthermore for GTS 10.1 and 11.0, the system will also check if the legal regulation is assigned to a measure type ID and enable determination for control-free products in this case too.
• To prevent a potential ‘OBJECTS_OBJREF_NOT_ASSIGNED_NO’ runtime error after implementation of above mentioned note 2240578, please implement note 2240879 too. This error might occur when customs documents are rechecked, but no active implementation exists for the license type for the BAdI /SAPSLL/LCC_DOCUMENT, and either the value depreciation or the quantity depreciation is active for the license type to be checked.
Incorrect determination of remaining quantity during license depreciation
There was an error in determination of remaining quantity, which resulted in the fact that quantity to assign was greater than the remaining quantity. This problem occurs after upgrading to GTS 11.0 and is corrected by note 2234114.
GTS Support