The SP10 release has simplified the process of integrating MAF logon components into your project.If you want to know more about the new features, please visit this blog SMP SDK SP10 released - What is new ?
Once you have your Android Project created, follow these steps to include the MAF dependencies with SP10:
1. Right click on app and select New -> Module from the context menu
2. Select Import .JAR or .AAR Package.
Note: The 'aar' bundle is the binary distribution of an Android Library Project.
3. Click on the Browse button and navigate to the SMP 3.0 SDK installation folder and find the mafsettingscreen-res-xxx resource folder. Click on Next
<Client SDK dir>\NativeSDK\MAFReuse\Android\libraries\mafsettingscreen-xxx.aar
4. Repeat steps 1-3 to import mafuicomponents-xxx.aar
<Client SDK dir>\NativeSDK\MAFReuse\Android\libraries\ mafuicomponents-xxx.aar
5. Repeat steps 1-3 to import maflogonui-xxx.aar
<Client SDK dir>\NativeSDK\ODataFramework\Android\libraries\ maflogonui-xxx.aar
6. Repeat steps 1-3 to import MobilePlace-xxx.aar. MobilePlace jar was replaced by the .aar package, so it needs to be included in the same way as the MAF packages.
<Client SDK dir>\NativeSDK\ODataFramework\Android\libraries\ MobilePlace-xxx.aar
Your project should look like the image below
7. Right-click the dependent module and select Open -> Module Settings
8. Click the plus icon to add new dependencies
9. Select them all and click OK
10. Now you can import the rest of the libraries. Using the project view, copy the following jar libraries from the SDK installation folders and paste it into the libs folder in Android Studio
Notice that maflogonui.jar, mafuicomponent.jar, mafsettingscreen.jar and MobilePlace.jar does not longer exist. Once you include the .aar packages, you don’t need to include additional .jar libraries to your project.
The rest is business as usual,
You can continue with step 4.6 Import SMP Libraries from this guide How To... Setup MAF resources in Android Studio
Hope this helps,