Investigation Processing - Instigation / First Response
2. Initial Investigation:
This business process is used to start the investigative work required to resolve a case.
The following business process runs in SAP CRM:
1. Assess and allocate lead
Employees, Departments or External Organisation are assigned or removed to and from specific leads.
2. Check/pick lead
Detective selects the leads that are linked to a crime from the leads created. This help to prioritizes leads and focus the investigations on the most important leads.
3. Establish facts and initial situational awareness
Detective uses the system to establish the status of previous investigations.
By checking the information, detective could learn which of his/her colleagues were involved during the instigation phase, what activities have been performed and which evidence has been gathered.
4. Determine if a crime was committed/create case
Based on the information gathered, the detective decides whether a crime has been committed. In this case, a case is created from a lead.
5. Proceed according to given procedure
Use the Investigative Case Management System Case Assistant that will suggests the creation of additional activities, initiatives or tasks required according to the crime involved and the progress of case processing.
By using "CRM Action Profile", follow up transaction could be created automatically based on system settings.
Additionally, by using "Activities Templates", system guides detective with the required information to be entered in each activities.
For example, a detective could create an activity from a template, where a checklist for crime investigation is attached.
6. Conduct crime scene management
The system is used to organise and classify the evident to be used in court. Using Investigative Case Management, is possible to attach pictures, videos, audio footage or other data collected during the investigation.
7. Conduct suspect management
Independent activities can be created in the system, such as making an arrest or surveillance activities
8. Conduct interview
All information related to the investigation, is registered in the system. System helps detective with templates of the most common events, such as "Investigative Interrogation".
Forms, legal references and other attachment can be made available in the "Interrogation Template".
9. Conduct search
System support each "crime search" activities. Crime Scene Investigation, Patrol and other events are registered in the system as Investigation Activities.
10. Create follow up activities
Any activities that is required to resolve the crime can be registered in the system. Detectives and different department can be assigned to each activitites.
11. Review case
Based on the information collected, the detective takes the decision about whether the case is to be subject to further investigation or must be closed.
To be continued...