Today the modern integration has transformed to be more than machine to machine messages. I would like to explain the Integration possibilities between the SAP Contract Management (CLM) and SAP Enterprise Core Component (ECC) using the SAP middleware PI and also required configurations in CLM to complete the Integration requirements with CLM. Before proceeding with the possibilities, would like to briefly cover the concepts of CLM along with the business cases in the customer landscape.
Background: SAP CLM is the SAP Contract Lifecycle Management (SAP CLM) application which supports a company's entire contract management process. The application supports all contract types and can integrate with back-end systems in support of contract compliance. The method of managing contracts in ECC directly is not much efficient and consistent, might consumes more resources, is time-consuming and exposes the clients to risks in cost management and supply fluctuations. The Elements of the contracts are captured onto the ERP system or stored at a central storage location/network drive. The CLM solution should contribute to value creation through improvements in contract coverage, cost management, vendor management and order automations etc. It’s a tricky set of processes, when integrated correctly works like a well-oiled machine.
Example of business processes between CLM and ECC are:
Business Case 1: Operational contracts (Purchase Agreements) are created and managed in SAP CLM. For creating purchase orders against these contracts, these contracts have to be replicated to ECC.
Business Case 2: In order to create contracts in CLM, CLM needs master data of materials and suppliers from ECC. So we need to replicate the suppliers and materials into CLM from ECC.
Overview ERP Integration – Business Flow.
Integration possibilities: The below possible options are there to integrate CLM application from PI middleware.
1. Plain HTTP adapter communication
2. File pick and drops via File Adapter
Predefined Content :
The standard predefined Integration content is available in the service market place to suite the most of the standard requirements.
• XI7_1_SOURCING_SRM_INTEGRATION_1.0_of_esourcing.tpz
• XI7_11_SOURCING_SRM_JSERVER_OP_9.0_04_00.tpz
Prerequisites in CLM:
The below configuration needs to be done in the CLM during the setting up of the Integration scenarios.
a) Set up the system properties in CLM.
- Path : Setup --> System properties
- Add the details business system name, namespace, Interface name here according to your ESR configuration.
b) Setting up of Business System in CLM
• Path : Setup --> Business System -->SAP ERP System -->Integrated System Config
• Define business systems for interaction between SAP sourcing and other systems.
c) PI URL Configurations in CLM system for web services to establishes the connection.
• Path : Setup --> Business System --> SAP ERP System --> Integrated System Config
• Select the relevant business system name and configure the PI Integration engine URL here
• Add the required PI login credentials also.
• Trigger the message from CLM in case of HTTP Communication
d) Scheduled Tasks:
• Path : Setup --> Scheduled Task --> Import of Materials Master
• Scheduled Tasks will be used in all File based communication to import or export files in/from CLM.
• Ex: This is a scheduled task which is created for creating or modifying materials in CLM. The ECC system is the parent system for materials master.
Every time a material is created or changed an outbound IDOC will be triggered from ECC to CLM. The IDOC will be converted to XML file in PI
and this file will be send to CLM. This scheduled task will run once every two minutes (can be scheduled as per requirements) and process all the
files which are yet unprocessed.
• On clicking on “DATA Import Task Configuration”, details of directories can be found. These needs to be set up here before schedule the task.
PI Interface Configuration:
• The design and configuration is same which we follow for other scenarios.
• Design, the standard content can be used or enhanced based on requirements.
• File adapter needs to be configured in case of schedulers are used in CLM.