In version 1511 release of sap cloud application studio, i'd like share with you following new features:
- Automated Distribution of Solution.
- Enable Assembly Split.
- Node Extensions in Analytics.
- New Context Reuse Library Functions.
- Other enhancements
Ok, now let's go for them one by one.
1. Automated Distribution of Solution.
In the previous versions, studio supports the automated distributions of customer solutions from any tenant in the same system. Now you can
restart it with the button "Automated Distribution" to retrigger the automatic upload and activation of the solution which unsucessful.
2. Enable Assembly Split.
As you know, there are 3 lifecycle management steps till 1508, which named "Activate", "Assemble", "Download" of the customer solution were
combined in one "Assemble and Download".
Now, with the 1511 release, the studio developer has extra option to execute those steps as independent steps. In the before, the one combined
step will take long time for the execution of lager solution size. This split feature can run asyn in the backend, therefore the execution time for Activate,
Assemble and Download shall be reduced significantly.
To enable this new function, you need to select "Enable Assembly Split", then the new splited button "Activate", "Assemble", "Download" applied.
In case you donot want it, you can disable via "Disable Assembly Split".
3. Node Extensions in Analytics.
Since 1508 release provided adding new nodes to the standard business objects. And with 1511 release, the studio allow us to add them into analytical
objectss, i.e: DataSource, Key figure, report.
4. New Context Reuse Library Functions.
The 2 new Context reuse library provided with 1511 release.
To indicate if the tenant on which this absl script is getting executed is PRD tennant or not.
To indicate if the tenant on which this absl script is getting executed is Patch solution or not.
5. Other enhancements.
"LanguageIndependent" annotation: it can be used together with the TextCollection dependent object to support language indenpendent text.
Say the user logs on with a different language then the one used during the creation of the text, the same text will be retrieved.
[DependentObject(TextCollection)] [LanguageIndependent] node TextCollection;
Typecodes for dependent objects : A typecode is used to determine the kind of TextCollection or AttachmentFolder that is intended to be
used in the UI.
References to Customer-Specific Fileds: Before 1511, if you want to upload the customer solution that have referened customer fields, it was requried to manually create those fields in the target tenant before deployment.
Now, with 1511 release, those fields are collected at assembly of the solution. Those definitions are then used at the deployment to create those customer-specific fields ate the very early stage of the deployment process.