Health and Safety is very important in any workplace, especially places like manufacturing plant, construction areas and mining fields fall under high Hazards workplace. Workforce are the main backbone to any industry. Special personals are appointed and regulation bodies take necessary steps to prevent and reduce Hazards in industries.
The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) said there were 6,956 nonfatal injuries and 54 workplace fatalities in 2011. These injuries were based on the characteristics of the accident victim, the nature of the incident and the working environment.
Fatal facts
Based on the information from US Department of Labour and OSHA, the following fatal facts are inferred.
- Out of 4,101 worker fatalities in private industry in the year 2013, 828 or 20.2% were in construction.
- This caused more than half of construction worker death in 2013
- Eliminating this would save more than 478 workers life in America
- There have been more than 12 fatalities in the US, each day in 2013
- A major proportion of these fatalities happened in the construction industry
- OSHA statistics across major industries for the years 2005 till 2011 shows that construction industry had the highest TCR (Total Case Rate ) followed by mining and manufacturing industries
- California, Texas, Florida and Illinois are the top ranking states in terms of workplace injuries in construction
- Construction industry alone accounts for more casualties than mining and manufacturing together
- Falls and highway crashes account for almost 60% of the all the causes of workplace injuries.
- Heads and Legs gets injured a lot during the Hazard
- Head gets the highest injury which leads to fatal accidents
Beyond Columns and Pies
It is very important to analyse the body parts affected to find the root cause of the same and avoid fatal accidents. The Column and Pie does not provide enough depth to the analysis. So myself,Shabala Natarajan and Anshuman V developed this solution in SAP Lumira. Our particular solution implemented in Lumira as Custom Visual provides us the following analysis
- Map the number of injuries per body part across the workforce/ and department.
- Map, through colour gradients, the risk of injury per body part versus a job profile/industry role.
- Map the injury profile of an individual over a period of time.
- Map the potential exposure risk per body part in case of bio-chemical hazards
Injuries per body part across departments / workforce
This visualization maps to each body part that got injured, an aggregate of the injuries classified according to each body part providing a historical perspective of which body parts tend to get injured more often and helps us judge the severity of the injury.
You can even filter by company name or the operation unit (manufacturing, etc.)
Risk Assessment
This visualization shows the risk involved for each body part, filtered by injury type. The Risk factor can be measured for each injury type and it gives the probability of each body part getting injured. Potential provision of protective gear/ equipment for those parts that have the highest risk can be found by this.
Building an injury profile
This visualization shows the injury that an individual has had over a period of time (say over the past few months). By building an injury profile for those workers who are prone to more cases of accidents, it is possible for the management to ensure higher safety. You can also find out particular body part, which was prone to maximum injury, with a lesser risk.
The Future
By using SAP Lumira we are able to analyse and find out the cause for the injury and have the necessary steps to reduce causality. In 2007 alone, the estimates of the national costs of occupational injury and illnesses among civilians in the United States were approximately $250 billion. The proactive measures taken to avoid workplace injuries will definitely result in saving public goodwill and substantial capital that can in turn be used to bolstering the safety measures, creating a positive feedback loop.