Today we shall discuss about the default route new functionality which got introduced from SAP TM 9.1 onwards.
As we know in a freight forwarding industry scenario forwarding agreement was the starting point for any process flow since based on this document the forwarding order is created either manually or as a reference to this agreement. Since the transportation request ( FWO) is linked to the contract ( FWA) hence using this link the order has always the route for the transportation service.For a rail scenarios often forwarding agreement references the contractual relationship between a carrier and shipper as well.
Now from TM 9.1 for all modes of transport like rail, road, air,ocean , each item of the FWA can have default routes assigned.Thus once a FWO is placed, the carrier can have a link of the FWA item at FWO level and in this way if a default route is assigned at FWA level, the route gets copied automatically into ordered route of the FWO.
Thus to illustrate if FWA has an item 20 with default route speciifed as A--B--C , then once FWO is created from FWA, the ordered route will have automatic assignment of route A---B--C .In case there is ordered route defined in the FWO and then afterwards items are assigned at FWA level, system will validate if ordered route in FWO matches with default route in FWA at item level.
Testing steps:
a) Create FWA and under items section after assigning TCCS , create/assign a default route.
b) From follow up button in FWA, create FWO and in the stages tab of FWO, under ordered route, the default route from step a) can be captured.
c)The name of default route also appears in the general data tab of the FWO.
Note in case item of the FWA is not speciifed in the FWO screen, selection of default route in FWO in that case becomes optional.