On first sight the changes to Safari in Mac OS X 10.11 alias El Capitan seem to be few and small. However these little changes (Safari Tab Mute, Pinned Sites and AirPlay) will have an effect how you browse the web. Tab Mute: tabs with audio playing are marked with a sound icon in the tab. Pinned Sites: Websites that you visit more frequently can now be pinned. Pinned Sites are updated in the background, so they’ll always have the latest content. With AirPlay, you’ll be able to play compatible videos from your Mac to an Apple TV.
SAP NetWeaver Test Center has finalized testing of NW UI Add-on V.20 for NW 7.0 - 7.03 and NW SAP_UI V2.0 SP01 for NW 7.40 and 7.50 with Safari on OS X 10.11 and the technologies: PLS,UI5, FPM ,CRM Web UI, NWBC, WD-ABAP and UI Integration scenarios.
Please be aware that certain technologies are supported with conditions on iOS, see SAP note:1853087- Conditional support for browser usage on Mobile Devices.
For restrictions and further details see:
• SAP Product Availability Matrix (PAM): https://service.sap.com/sap/support/pam
• Safari browser note:https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/1634749