Expense Workbench (EWB) is provided to enable Trading Expense full functionality without using TEW. EWB provides you with full access to expense functions (Expense document creation/change/cancellation/settlement and accounting release). Trading expense workbench is available from ERP 6.0 (EhP2). To use the full functions of EWB, TEW must be deactivated.
Transaction code: WB2_EWB
Using EWB, you can create new expense documents to existing logistic documents or manipulate existing expense documents such as cancelling the expense document, releasing expense to FI or settling accrual expense documents. I will demonstrate one end to end process using EWB.
First screen/ Selection screen:
Using the above selection options, you can display the various documents such as trading contract, inbound delivery etc. and further process them.
Second Screen/ Process screen:
- Using create expenses button, you can directly create expense for any document.
- Using change expenses button, you can modify any expense attached to the document.
- Using Expense doc list button, you can view the related expenses for the document/s and can modify them.
Second Screen /Selection Result:
Select ‘expense doc list’ for any trading contract/document in the list:
For the above expenses, you can click on "settlement" to create settlement for the same.
Third Screen / Settlement Screen:
On saving, an accounting document would be created. Similarly, using variety of other options, expense documents can be created, modified and settled easily using the Expense Workbe