Dynamic Currency translation changes in SAP HANA
Objective:- how to change the currency using dynamic filter (while run time)
Users will expect while executing the views currency will change ex- all USD values change to EUR or EUR to USD
Author Bio:-
Kodanda Pani K.V is a SAP HANA consultant currently working with Accenture Pvt Ltd (Bangalore/INDIA). He has over 5 years of experience in various BW/BO/HANA implementation / Support Projects.
Business scenarios: - Retail company has head quarter in Europe countries but there business different countries USA, IN, JAPAN, CHINA
All the sales information will store VABK table and i had work with VABK table for currency translation
Prerequisite: Before doing currency translation make sure all the below tables has to present in respective schema.
Step by step procedure
Make sure VABK and TCUR* tables extract from ECC to HANA system using BODS or SLT system.
Created the analytical view using VABK table
Below screen will appear and check the data foundation in VBAK table
In VABK table has huge data i put filter only EUR currency and applied fitter WAERK (document currency)
Data foundation view for VBAK table below fields
Created one calculated columns (Target currency) and two input parameters (currency and date)
Define Date input variable
Name – date
Values – FORMAT (NOW (),’YYYYYMMDD’) - SQL syntax will give current date
Symantec type – date
Data type- DATE
ZCURRENCY input variable
Parameter type – column
Reference - WAERK
Created calculated column target currency (Target currency)then passing the two input variable in calculated column field
Target currency field
Source Currency: Source currency can be either a fixed currency or it can refer to document currency field of our table/view.
Target Currency: Target currency can be any fixed currency or it can refer to any currency field of your analytic view or you can decide target currency at run time using Input parameter.
Exchange Type: Exchange Type is one of key in the exchange rate table (TCURR) against which rates for conversion are maintained. You can select a fixed value or can decide its value at run time using Input parameter.
Label – Target currency
Data type – decimal (10, 2)
Column type - Measure
Expression editor – used the measure values ‘NETWR’ – Net value on Sales document
Click on semantics option then below screen will appear
Semantic type– Amount with currency code
Then click on enable for conversion
Currency– TARGET _CURRENCY _CURRENCY (browse and choose the option)
Target currency– ZCURRENCY (Input variable) (browses and chooses the option)
Exchange type– M
Conversion date– DATE (browse and choose the option) - it will give current date
Schema of currency conversion– browses and chooses the schema ex – ZPHANI1
Generate results currency column– target_currency_currency (browse and choose the option)
Upon conversion failures - Fail
Save and activate the view and execute the view
select the view -> right click -> data preview
Below variable prompt will ask for target currency and date.
We can change the dynamically target currency as per the business requirements
Report output for currency translation with below fields
Now can see all EUR values are converted into USD currency
Note: - All TCUR* table all dates exchanges rates should available in the system
Thanks and Regards,