Sometimes you may get a connection error when converting a table to
extended storage:
[4863] {207439} [95/10731633] 2016-05-06 17:50:26.455132 e FedTrace
odbcaccess.cpp(03672) : ODBC error: connected: 1 state: HY000 cide: -65 [SAP]
[ODBC Driver] Unable to connect to server 'HANA': [SAP AG] [LIBODBCHDB SO] [ HDBODBC]
General error;1033 error while parsing protocol
In this case, the dynamic tiering host can't communicate with SAP HANA to fetch the contents of
the table needed for the conversion.
Enable Traces
One solution is to enable traces. Enable these traces, then run the ALTER TABLE statement again:
ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ( ' indexserver.ini ' , ' SYSTEM ' ) SET ( ' authentication ' , ' SapLogonTicketTrace ' ) = ' true ' WITH RECONFIGURE;
ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ( ' indexserver.ini ' , ' SYSTEM ' ) SET ( ' trace ' , 'saptracelevel ' ) = ' 3 ' WITH RECONFIGURE;
ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONGIGURATION ( ' indexserver.ini ' , ' SYSTEM ' ) SET ( ' trace ' , 'authentication ' ) = ' debug ' WITH RECONFIGURE;
ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ( ' indexserver.ini ' , ' SYSTEM ' ) SET ( ' trace ' , ' crypto ' ) = ' debug ' WITH RECONFIGURE';
Collect the required traces and contact SAP Support to resolve the communications problem.
Check for Different Certificate Sizes
Certificate sizes on the dynamic tiering and SAP HANA hosts should match. Certificate mutual authentication and the SSL protocol secure internal communications between the hosts. Different certificate sizes show inconsistent certificates that could cause connection problems.
Log in as SIDadm on the dynamic tiering host and enter these commands:
- cdglo
- cd security/rsecssfs/data
- ls -al sap_system_pki_instance.*
Note the file sizes. The file sizes should match those on the HANA host.
Log in as SIDadm on the SAP HANA host and enter these commands:
- cdhdb
- ls -al sap_system_pki_instance.*
Do the file sizes match those on the dynamic tiering host? If not, contact SAP Support.
Note: For these certificates to work correctly, you need to synchronize the clocks on the SAP HANA and dynamic tiering hosts. Run the date command on each host.