SAP Idea Place for SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise is now available:
You can use this to share your idea for feature enhancements and vote on ideas others have shared.
Please click on Submit Idea to share your idea. Please check the blog post with more details on how this works –
Welcome to Idea Place for SAP ASE!
The SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise Session is only available to those defined in our system as customers, partners or employees. Customers and partners have S-user numbers attached to their accounts. You can check if you have an S-user number by going to looking at the User ID field to see if an S-number is there. That is, the letter “S” with a string of numbers after it. If there is a letter “P” and a string of numbers, you are listed as a “public” user. Public users don’t have access. If you are from a customer account, you can request an S-user account here.