As Maggie Fox posted on May 12, when the doors opened to SAPPHIRE NOW in Orlando, so did open beta for the new SAP community platform. So now testing can officially start for all community members!
Are you excited? Because I'm excited.
Open beta gives all community members an opportunity to test the community platform's new features, get a feel for the refined interface, and offer feedback about their experience. I invite you, encourage you, in fact, to come in and make yourself at home. That's what open beta is all about.
I recommend that you bookmark the following pages:
I also recommend that you keep the following in mind…
Opun beta ain't perfekt
Open beta is meant to give you an opportunity to check out our new community. However please note that this is not the final platform that will eventually launch. Since we are working in an agile fashion, continuous updates will be made. In addition, we'll be collecting your feedback during beta and making changes based upon it. We may decide to remove features, change them, or even add them. Our plan is to create the new community with you. The product won't be final until we believe we’re on the right path based on community feedback.
While you're providing feedback, development will continue. You may stumble across bugs. The system may suffer the occasional glitch or two (or three or four or…). The platform may have unexpected downtimes. While aggravating, these issues all come with the beta territory. You can report them through feedback, and we'll work to fix them. We'll also update the release notes page every two weeks, so you can see the latest features and bug fixes.
Whatever content happens in beta stays in beta
Testing the platform involves getting your hands on the new solutions. You'll want to post something through the new blogging platform, play around with the new Q&A, upload content, and more. In doing so, you'll familiarize yourself with the new features and functionality, and be able to offer opinions.
Please note, however, that any content created in open beta disappears when beta closes. The content will not be carried over to the community that launches, nor will it be searchable or count toward gamification. So please don't publish anything in open beta that you want to retain. If you want questions, answers, blogs, etc., to migrate to the new community platform, please post them in the current SCN. That content will continue to exist after the current SCN shuts down and the new community launches officially.
All that being said…
The new community is part of SAP's broader ONE Digital Experience (1DX) project, and as such, the ultimate goal is to give you the online experience that you want with the information you need. That's the 1DX vision, and one we hope you'll share with us.
Because this is our community -- yours, mine, every member's. And we see it as more than just a community.
It's our home.
And working with you, we're going to make our home much more comfortable.
So welcome. Kick off your shoes and step inside. And let us know what you think of the renovations -- and what the house is missing.
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