With custom_code we, the abapdevelopers, support our business with our super power to develop software exactly to their current needs.
We want to be fast & flexible in innovation and adopt business needs as fast as they occur.
To do so we need an understandable, lightweight and robust code base in our systems .
Do you have it?
Do you have full transparency about your ABAP Code in your SAP system?
How many lines of custom code is in there, where it is and if it's used or not?
If this is the case, please tell me in the comments section how you were able to.
I have the pleasure to be one of the ten SCN speakers chosen for next SAP sapteched 2016 in Barcelona and I will have a lecture on this topic. (DEV221)
Why is the transparency of custom code important to someone like me?
I work as abap developer and software designer at bonprix Handelsgesellschaft mbH which is a SAP Customer with several SAP systems installed.
We use SAP Software to support our business delivering the best experience to the customer each day.
Constantly improving the rules and features of a System where it's not clear to you what is important & used often and what is never used slows down the achievable speed of improvements and raises the cost of maintenance for several reasons.
How do you know which part of your software is used or not used? Software we do not need can be deleted what reduces the tco of the IT what gives additional room for nice projects. Software that is highly used in your business should be as fast and robust as possible.
The goal is to have used, high flexible, robust, free of bugs software.
How we get to there?
cclm apps in SAP Netweaver will help you to analyse your systems software and start with a classification right on the spot
During my session DEV221 at SAP teched Barcelona 2016 I will show you how bonprix as customer of SAP software uses these tools.
You will see how to identify highly used an not uses code in the ABAP productive system without slowing it down noticeable.
Expensive SQL / often run statements will be shown. Using the tools to be explained SQL Statements an atc results will be combined.
You do not need additional licenses or installations. You can start right away lowering tco, its all there ...
Do cclm apps provide the universal remedy - NO - but they hepl you to see where you are standing at the moment.
After you have learned in my session how to Identify the relevant code Gungor Ozcelebi will start show you in his session DEV222 how to fix issues in it.
SCN community - power to you!
We the SCN Community speakers
hope to see you at our sessions in Barcelona and we are looking forward for your feedback an discussions.
See you there