As, with the new wordservice, as we have come to know as the SAP Sourcing DOCX Generation Service, a crucial step in this process is converting all legacy contract specific documents to .docx and .dotx formats.
You can find details on this via this link here. The following is a summary of this and best practices, which includes a section on common errors and general instructions on how to run an l called script.
Running the .doc and .docx converter best practices
How to run the .doc to .docx converter:
1) Ensure that you are on a version of CLM that is conducive to the new CG. This would include versions 7.0 SP5 and up for 7.x and 9.0 SP11 for versions 9.x and up.
2) Next, the application will need to be pointed to the old .Net based Contract Generator (old CG) as it's required that the converter be run while this is true. Here's an example
Log in as the system user:
contractgen contractgen.serviceurl =
System context
contract gen contractgen.wordservice.enabled = TRUE
3) Run the converter script via DBimport
4) If, step 3 is successful, please then set the system property to FALSE as follows
contractgen contractgen.wordservice.enabled = FALSE
Common Errors and how to address them
1) Running the conversion script via DBimport fails
a. If, you see the following errors in the logs, you may need to apply a known workaround where you will need to run the script through a specific process know specifically as an explicitly called script. Details on the script is found below in the section on how to run the script.
Errors in logs
Problems were encountered processing script convert_doc_to_docx.xml at
2. The Explicitly called script is not found
a. You may need to import the following workbook. Under Setup ->System Setup->Scheduled Task type, check if the Explicitly Called
script task type is shown when using the "All inactive Scheduled Task Type" query? If, so, edit it and make it not inactive.
b. If it's not there either, it should be in the "scheduled_task_types" sheet of the appropriate upgrade workbook in the ref guide. (I.e. "Enterprise Upgrade Workbook - 7.0.08") You can take that data and import it manually in the system ( just that one sheet/row )
c. Customers with multitenant option may not see this if this is turned on. Please, turn this OFF for the duration of the script being run, then turn it back on after it is run.
The significance of a context in an Explicitly called script:
Unlike other scripts, which execute automatically based on their context, explicitly called scripts do not depend on a context. The context will be taken from the session from where we login. For, example, if I login as an enterprise user then that user's context will be taken from the session. We don't have explicitly called scripts at the system login level but we have the option to run an explicitly called script via Enterprise level and buyer levels.
Here is some more information from our HELP
In, the below example, if you intend to run the doc to docx converter at the system context level, then you will have to log into each of the three enterprise contexts level, and run the conversion because we do not have the option to run the doc to docx converter at the system context level as the context will be taken from the session.
General Instructions on how to run this script