The idea is to create a session count (specially for concurrent users) to check the numbers of session in the system and notify by email.
First go to monitoring in the CMC
Go to watchlist and create new one.
-Write an appropiate name
-Select the number of States. In our case we select 3, because we want to have a caution state preventing the server to be in danger of running out of sessions.
-We are going to check the write to trending database option so we can see history of this metric.
-We are going to check add as KPI because we want to see the watchlist in out dashboard.
-Click on Next.
Under Central Management Server we search for the number of sessions established by concurrent users and we click over the arrow.
We select an a caution value for our metric. In our case as we have 100 concurrent users we select 70.
We click on Next and we go to Danger rules and repeat the above steps but now we define the danger level equals 90
Click on Next
Default options --> Click over directory
We write our email address and click okay,
We Save the new Watch and now is available in the watchlist:
Once we have created we can go to history of the metric and review its behaviour.
Hope this helps someone!!
Sorry if someone else created something similar.