Upcoming - what happened at SAPPHIRENOW
You can watch the recording here: https://sap.na.pgiconnect.com/p9n1ie9cfic/ - courtesy of Maria Farrales
Source: SAP
Audrey Stevenson lead the call, working on gamification for the last 4 years
Abstract: Abstract Learn about what will be changing with SCN's Reputation and Gamification Program, and get a chance to ask questions directly to SCN's community managers and Reputation program experts
Presenter: Audrey Stevenson & Caroleigh Deneen - SCN Community Manager and Sr. Gamification Consultant
Source: SAP
Above is the agenda
Source: SAP
In 2012, moved to Jive, new gamification launched in 2013
Source: SAP
625+ topic leaders, 50+ members of the month
Source: SAP
Some lessons learned; lead to points chasers
Quality needs to be a bigger focus, not activity
You want to have a rich experience that is not about points or missions
Source: SAP
No more rankings
Opportunity to move away from PBL (points, badges, leaderboards) - do more to reward quality
Jason Cao: "Even though gamification brought some negative behaviour, it is also gamification that corrected these unwanted behaviours"
Source: SAP
Instill confidence in content, drive quality
Source: SAP
Main elements of new program
Moving away from points
Karma credits will reward quality contributions
Will use SAP gamification service
Source: SAP
Above shows the roll-outs at a high level
Agile development; will be coming out in different points in time, and not sure of order
Topic leader contest is over
Source: SAP
What doesn't change and does change prior to launch
Role icon remains
Followers remain
Source: SAP
Karma credits are embedded
Not showing Karma credits to other members
Source: SAP
New reputation score is shown above
"participation in both blogs and answers will contribute to both reputation score and expertise score;" - Caroleigh Deneen
Reputation snapshot will be there
Source: SAP
Reputation score; above is the member's own view
Source: SAP
Based on primary tags
Source: SAP
Current SCN have level in the forums
Source: SAP
User view
Source: SAP
What changes, part 1
Source: SAP
Leaderboards end at cutover
Source: SAP
Beta missions, profile, it is open
Status update http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-63650
Question & Answer
Q: Who ranks content to determine expertise score?
A: Based on community feedback + other things
Q: Will SAP certification for trainings also part of the reputation
A: Not right away
Q: migrated content - will that contribute reputation score?
A: would not count (current plan)
Q: Based on HCP gamification service, as a community platform, will Inside Tracks have ability to request gamificaiton missions?
A: Have a mission request program for internal SAP stakeholders; something like to do
"the universal profile will bring some integration across SAP platforms, but which ones, and how, and when are still in the works"
"regarding measuring knowledge, I agree there are limits to measuring based on feedback; we will include things like certification and participation in tutorials, events, etc as this program further matures and we can connect other systems," - most of these comments are by Caroleigh