Since October 2015 the first two CRM Fiori Apps are available as offline-enabled Apps: MyAccounts and MyContacts.
See here:
More informations about Packaging Fiori Applications - Architecture and Life Cycle Management
Prerequisites for my scenario:
- SAP Fiori 1.0 for SAP CRM 7.0 EHP3, SP10 (wave 10)
- HCPms (it's also possible with SMP)
- (HCC)
- SAP Mobile Secure
- latest version of the packager which is included in the Kapsel SDK
- npm, node.js (here: npm version 2.7.4, node version v0.12.2)
1. Create the Connection at SCC (SAP HANA Cloud Connector) if you use the SCC
2. Create the Connection at HCP
3. Prepare your Application at the HCPms
4. Get an SAP Mobile Secure Account
5. Create an Android Signing ID
6. Get you SAP Mobile Secure Cloudusername and password
11. Download it from your SAP Mobile Secure Account and run it