OCC Dashboard
Operation Control Center Dashboard of SAP Focused Insights provides a direct access to key metrics stored inside SAP Solution Manager. It’s primarily intended for IT and business experts who need to build quickly detailed views for in depth analysis.
OCC Dashboard is flexible and easy to use, it offers a single web interface to administrate, configure and display your dashboard instances. Dashboard instances and gadgets can be published as a web URL.
Several data providers help to access data sources on different time periods and different resolutions. You can filter and merge various metrics on the same chart while the look and feel can easily be changed with few clicks.
In this example we’ll show how to use drag & drop to quickly build new charts or re-use existing charts. Caution: drag & drop feature is not supported by all web browsers. It is recommended to use Chrome.
In the following, we will extend the OCC dashboard created in the previous blogs:
- Focused Insights: How to build an OCC Dashboard (Part 1)
- Focused Insights: How to build an OCC Dashboard (Part 2)
- Logon to the OCC dashboard
- Edit the dashboard “Demo Focused Insights” created previously
- Select “Settings”
- Add an additional row
- Apply your changes
- Save the dashboard
- Edit the third gadget
- Enter gadget’s title: “Host monitoring overview”
- Select data provider “/STDF/DP_SYSMON_SNAPSHOT”
- Select renderer “ALERT_TABLE”
- Select monitored object
- Select view “Overview”
- Add query
- Enter query legend
- Select another monitored object
- Select view “Overview”
- Add query
- Enter query legend
- Apply changes
- Select one legend from gadget 3 (“Monitoring overview”)
- Hold the button and drag the legend to the gadget 4
- Release the button
- Gadget 4 contains the details monitoring view for dragged monitoring object
- Select one metric in the detail view (gadget 4)
- Hold the button and drag the metric to the gadget 3
- Release the button
- Gadget 3 contains detail view for dragged metric
- Select another metric from gadget 4
- Hold the CTRL button and the mouse button and drag the legend to the gadget 3
- Release the button
- Gadget 3 contains detail view for two dragged metrics
- Save the dashboard to keep your changes
- Edit the dashboard
- Enter “ERP response time” in the search bar on the top left (this gadget was created previously)
- Drag the gadget “ERP response time” to the gadget 4 of the dashboard
- Release the mouse
- Gadget “ERP response time” is now on position 1 and position 4 of the dashboard
- Press cancel to discard your change
Focused Insights (http://support.sap.com/focused-insights)
Focused solutions for SAP Solution Manager, is the extension concept for SAP Solution Manager, with the idea of helping our customers meet their particular innovation needs on an individual basis, without the need for homegrown software or partner solutions.
The goal of Focused Insights is to build and distribute powerful customer-specific dashboards in minutes using state-of-the-art user experience.
The content delivered with Focused Insights has been designed to deliver, in real time, the most relevant and valuable information to the right people. While it provides full transparency of information stored inside SAP Solution Manager, it also takes into account the best practices and experience gained during numerous custom projects, offering a set of prepackaged dashboards tailored to your needs.
SAP Focused Insights offers specialized dashboards for experts as well as management or non-technical users. Whether they address the CIO or an expert, dashboards remain consistent among each other since they rely on the same data sources mixed up and presented in different granularities or aggregation levels
Focused Insights comes with a rich content. It fully exploits the huge amount of data stored inside SAP Solution Manager. Metrics produced by the activation of a scenario, whether it is IT or business related, become immediately available to the prepackaged dashboards. Raw metrics can be grouped or combined to produce advanced metrics and high level KPIs.