Have you ever experienced that you search for information on the Help Portal but the information you found, did not fully answer all your questions and you needed to search again on the SCN or the support portal for additional information?
What if you find links for related KBAs, SAP Notes, SCN Wikis, SCN Blogs directly on the help portal pages next to the content you read through?
If you think that this might be helpful for you and you would like to work with SAP on related concept, take part in our Customer Engagement Initiative project SAP Support information at your fingertips: Get fast access to support content via the SAP Help Portal on the Influence.sap.com.
If you are interested to participate:
- Logon to http://influence.sap.com
- Register for the project SAP Support information at your fingertips
- Provide the necessary data
It will start beginning of July with a kickoff call. You will be interviewed to get more detailed feedback. At the closing call, you will be informed about the results. The estimated time effort is 4 hours.
We are looking forward to your feedback and input.
PS: This is a collaborative initiative of Product and User Assistance