In my previous article, you saw the first execution of the Health Check feature, right after SP03 was installed.
In this blog, I will show SNOTE execution, once the Personas Notes Checker brought SAP notes to the verification list.
The Personas Notes Checker contacts CSS to obtain notes that might be relevant to the Personas installation.
The notes are downloaded, but not installed.
It is up to the system administrator to access SNOTE and assess whether a note should be implemented.
In my test system, I got the following list:
Now I need to check whether each note can be implemented in the system. I need to select a note and click on the “Check SAP Note” button:
The first note brought the popup:
Since the note cannot be implemented, I decided to change the processing status to “Not Relevant”. Just click on the “Set Processing Status” button, once the note is selected:
Then select the option (Not Relevant) and click on the “Ok” button:
You can check all the remaining notes:
Right after installing SP03, you should have a remaining list of 3 SAP notes to implement:
Of course, the list can be bigger, depending on the SAP_BASIS support package level of your system.
Once the first note is implemented, the resulting list should be similar to:
SAP note 2312942 (SAP Screen Personas 3.0 SP03: Update of Screen and Control ID Overwrite Entries) contains manual steps to be performed:
The popup shows:
After the automatic steps are performed, you need to confirm the execution of the manual steps:
The manual steps consist of executing a report in SE38 (a):
Select the checkbox (b):
Resulting in the list:
Once you finished the SAP notes implementation via SNOTE, you should return to /PERSONAS/ADMIN and execute the Health Check.
What happened after the notes were implemented? I will show you in my next blog.