- Create a specific user account in SAP– SU01 ( example :TWERFCUSER)
- Create a role for the tax ware and assign to the user - PFCG ( Example : BC:TWE_RFC)
- Create a rfc connection to tax ware and provide a program ID - SM59 ( Example : TWE of type TCP/IP with program id "Taxware_JCO_D/Q/P")
- Create a copy of the twesdk folder which is existing and rename to the new system name( Example : Twesdk_CRM)
- Edit the files :Client.properties(properties file) and sapconfig( XML Doc)
- In SAP Config provide the host name , Porgram ID ( same as you mentioned in SM59) , User name , Password, Client, SYS number, rfc user ( TWERFCUSER and password)
- In the Client properties file you can provide mshost name, r3name=<SID>, group= logon load balancing group
- Go to TWESAPServiceWrapper -> conf folder and edit wrapper-JB.conf file and provide the Name of service, Display name of service and description of service
- Using the command prompt go to the directory of the folder which you re-named in step 4 and run the command TWESAPServcieWrapper-install-JB batch file .This script will create a new service .
- Try to start the service manually using the script StartSAPLink_JB
- Now go to your abap systems - SM59 and test the rfc created in step 3
** Please see the detail screen shots for reference: