with new release of SAP UI5 (OpenUI5 Blog - First Preview of OpenUI5 1.34) there are some new controls available - one of them is Planning Calendar - see at OpenUI5 Explored.We have already Design Studio SDK: Activity Viewer (manual Gantt Chart) in community package which is serving with similar functions, this control can bring a bit different visualization.
* Works only with Design Studio 1.6 SP2 and higher!
* Works only in M mode (as this is M-control of UI5)
The good point on integration of UI5 controls is, due to the generation of integration code the effort to get it as SDK extension is very low - as described in Design Studio SDK: New Unified UI5 Components. It means, there is a need of very small adjustments and the rest is based on properties specified in UI5 definitions.
What is Planning Calendar?
Basically it is a display option for events and header, each with dates (start and end) and other properties.
and it allows also month / year selection in runtime
In the properties you can define:
* Rows
* Appointments
* Headers
Date Entry
Similar to the (updated) Activity Viewer you can enter dates with following mask:
Options in Runtime/Properties
The general options allow you to set start date and also the view type (month, day, hour)
Download & Use
This component is available on the community package, release 3.0 for Design Studio 1.6, as in SCN Design Studio SDK Development Community
Component List - SCN Design Studio Community -> look for the component in the list.
Any thoughts?
feel free to add as usual...
Enhancements Ideas?
if you have good ideas (to those who would like to contribute but cannot code...) - place an "issue" with tag "enhancement" under Issues · org-scn-design-studio-community/sdkpackage · GitHub