After the 1st SAP CodeJam and 2nd SAP CodeJam in Aachen it is now time for the.....drum roll... 3rd SAP CodeJam in Aachen.
This time the topic will be SAPUI5 and Sebastian Wennemers will joins us as our expert from SAP.
So if you want to learn how to build the cool kind of applications shown in the video below be sure to register at the link given at the end of the post.
Besides learning how to build applications with SAP UI5 there will also be the opportunity to meet other developers passionate about SAP technology. And, of cause as with every CodeJam, there will be nice food and some beers in the evening.
So if this sounds interesting for you register for the CodeJam using the following link:
SAP CodeJam Aachen Registration, Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 1:00 PM | Eventbrite
Registration is free but space is limeted!
I'm looking froward to meeting you in our offices in Aachen!