Hello All,
Here are my key points to consider while Installing & Administrating of Sybase DB.
These are to address the issues for which no proper solution is available on SCN.
These observations are based on Sybase ASE 15.7 SPS136 on RHEL.
- Installation
- Perform the SAP Sybase installation with default memory configuration and later on tune the memory. Else installation will fail at DB configuration step.
- Review the locales (/syabse/SID/ASE*/locales) with the environment variable LANG, to ensure the language of root exists in locales or else change the language of root prior to installation.
- Comment out localhost entry in /etc/hosts before installation or else installation with fail at ABAP import phase. R3trans RC 12.
- Update permission of sybstrl post installation as it configures the communication user SAPSR3. Not performing so, will affect the upgrade in future.
- Security
- Sybase comes with its own DB security mechanism, which by default takes all the connection access for user sapsa as encrypted. Please disable the encryption even before configuring the DBAcockpit or else the user will get locked due to incorrect attempts. Please trigger the following isql command to disable encryption. SAP NOTE 1942379
1> sp_configure 'net password encryption reqd',0
2> go
- Sybase comes with its own DB security mechanism, which by default takes all the connection access for user sapsa as encrypted. Please disable the encryption even before configuring the DBAcockpit or else the user will get locked due to incorrect attempts. Please trigger the following isql command to disable encryption. SAP NOTE 1942379
- Above operation will also help you avoid using "-X", while using isql. Ie instaed of isql64 -Usapsa -X, you can just put isql64 -Usapsa.
- Using isql64 instead of isql is totally fine.
- Do not use or unlock user SA. For administration purpose, use user SAPSA. If SAPSA is locked, then use SAPSSO.
- Unlock SAPSA : login isql with SAPSSO.
1> sp_locklogin 'sapsa', 'unlock'
2> go
- if SAPSSO is also locked, then follow note : 1872806, instead of -psa use -psapsa in RUN_<SID>.
- StartDB as per below command
- -./startserver -f <SID> >> log.txt. Eg. -./startserver -f ECD >> log.txt
- Read log.txt for word password and setup the new password with below command
- sp_password <old password>,<new password>,sapsso
- remove "-psa" entry from RUN_<SID> once the users are unlocked and then start DB normally.
I will add more points, if I come across a problem for which NO direct solution is available.