Through our openSAP thought leaders series, we aim to share the importance of your business undergoing a digital transformation and becoming the disruptor rather than being the disrupted. But we also want to raise your awareness regarding elements of digital transformation that you should consider both during and after your transformation. With every online presence, personally and professionally, you need to secure your information. Whether it is with a login password protecting your details or security to protect an entire network, how do you know that your privacy is safe? How can you trust online providers and how can you guarantee security to your users and stakeholders?
Our second openSAP thought leaders course focuses on Cybersecurity – The Essential Challenge for Digital Transformation. This course will be presented by Professor Christoph Meinel, Scientific Director and CEO of the Hasso-Plattner-Institute Potsdam (Germany) and Head of the Chair for Internet Technologies and Systems. Professor Meinel’s security group concentrates on Security and Trust Engineering, in particular, Network Security, Cloud Security, Security Awareness as well as the application of big data, Cloud computing and In-Memory technologies in the security domain. During this course, Professor Meinel will highlight the security risks that are presented with digital transformation and point out possible threats, but will also look at solutions and provide advice on how to behave and protect your business against these risks.
Cybersecurity – The Essential Challenge for Digital Transformationbegins November 11 and will run over a four week period. The course content will contain two weeks of content on the topics of Digital World and cybersecurity, and cybersecurity in context. Registration and learning content are provided free of charge and all you need to sign up is a valid email address.
Leadership in Digital Transformation with Professor Dr. Krcmar, Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany, begins October 6.