During the month of March, we conducted four SAP CodeJams events - three SAP CodeJams and one Exclusive Edition. This month we were in four different cities, with each event focusing on either SAP HANA Cloud Platform or SAP HANA with IoT. Each of our events are designed to focus on a single topic, allowing participants to get familiar with one specific SAP platform or technology at time.
The SAP CodeJam team, would like to take this time to thank you, because of developers like you, we are able to continue conducting these events.
Where have we been?
What are people saying?
”I really liked the organization and the thing that teachers were watching every our step and were there for all questions and problems with enthusiasm. There isn't anything that I didn’t like at all, I just think that maybe, every example has to be roughly explained after finishing.”
“The event had simple enough tasks for first time users and at the same time the tasks were good enough to demonstrate the ease of deployment with SAP technology.”
“It was an innovative event and I would like to be a part of such events in future.”
“The experts were so helpful and humble to answer any question related to the technology.”
What’s new to SAP CodeJam?
As many of you may know, we have several topics to choose from such as SAP HANA, SAPUI5, ABAP and we are always in the process of adding new ones to the list.
Starting May 1st, SAP HANA XSA – our latest additions to our family of topics, will be available to request. SAP HANA XSA is our SPS11 release of the SAP HANA sever and XS Advanced (NodeJS development).
We kicked off the new topic by conducting a four-event European tour in April, with all four events getting sold-out minutes within the registrations going live.
If you want to learn or get more information about SAP HANA XSA, you can find it here.
Attend one of our upcoming events:
- April 19 - SAP CodeJam Hannover (SAP HANA XSA)
- April 21 - SAP CodeJam Dusseldorf (SAP HANA XSA)
- April 22 - SAP CodeJam Eindhoven (SAP HANA XSA)
- April 23 - SAP CodeJam Tokyo (ABAP for SAP HANA with Fior
- April 23- SAP CodeJam Istanbul (SAP HANA with IoT)
- April 25 - SAP CodeJam London (SAP HANA XSA)
Not sure what SAP CodeJam is?
SAP CodeJam is a 5 to 6 hours event where a small group of developers get together for an afternoon of networking, learning, and coding in an ultra-casual environment all for free. Attendees get a chance to share and expand their knowledge and collaboratively develop with SAP technologies, platforms and tools under the watchful guidance of an expert. The events are developer community focused and supported by SAP, exploring technologies available through the SAP Developer Center.
How can you request a CodeJam event?
Anyone can host an SAP CodeJam event in their city. If you are interested, please send your request to sapcodejam@sap.com and include the following info in the email: name and email of the local contact person for the event, country and city in which the event will take place, estimated number of attendees (25 – 40), topic of the event, location, 3 possible dates. Someone in the SAP CodeJam team will get back to you within 1 – 2 days to confirm and finalize the details. Click here for additional information about these events. We are now accepting requests!