By Colin Scuffins
The first d-shop Dublin demo was presented at the Michael Kleinemeier All-Hands Demo on Mon 7 March, 2016. The video captures the team's progress from intial planning and evolving the design to the final presentation at the All-Hands meeting. The aim was as follows:
- Build a circuit on which we can modify the current (and subsequently temperature) on using a rheostat. Using current variations we can simulate failures. (high current and impending failure)
- Using sensors connected to an Arduino board we will measure the current, potential difference, and temperature on the wire.
- We will push the readings to HCP.
- Using HCP Predictive Services we will try and predict the future temperature or failure conditions.
- We will build a simple UI5 application based on the output of the predictive model to graph the readings over time and warn of future failures.
CREDITS: Demo Coordinator - Ronan O'Connell; Devs - Balazs Pete, Robbie O'Brien; Video - Colin Scuffins; Special Thanks -Michael Kleinemeier, Liam Ryan, Ann McDonald, Thomas McNicolas