Objective: To understand and enhance header area of Web UI.
Header area in CRM Web UI is defined by the layout component. To identify the different components which comprise the header, we can have a look at the Layout component.
Path - IMG > Customer Relationship management > UI Framework > Technical Role Definition > Define Layout Profile.
The Layout Profile would have all the layout components which comprises the Web UI page. This includes Logo Area, Header area and other layout components.
To further get the detailing of the layout component, drill down into the layout component WORKAREA_HEADER.
Path - IMG > Customer Relationship management > UI Framework > Technical Role Definition > Define Layout components.
This will contain the application ID or the Web UI component ID. In this case, component is CRM_WORKAREAHDR.
This component contains the header area views and configuration. This component contains views UI_COMPONENT_1, UI_COMPONENT_2, UI_COMPONENT_3.
This UI component can also be used to align and position header elements such as working context, saved search etc.
The positioning, realignment and declaration of this elements is done in UI Configuration of the Component CRM_WORKAREAHDR.
For ex, To display Central Search on right hand side of header area i.e, UI_COMPONENT_3, declare as
We can also provide other header area functionalities, width etc through this method.