Hi Guys,
Latest notes in Customs area:
As previously communicated Support for ACE through SAP GTS is part of GTS standard. Please keep an eye on updates to Note 1998947
Transferring an EMCS 2.2 message with no language code for certain partners without address information (city, street, name) is permitted. However if the language code is saved in the master data of that business partner it will always be transferred. This type of scenario leads to an error at customs side. Please install note 2290744 to account for this issue.
When you receive a message from the customs authorities, not all the parameters from the ECC control structure are contained if you have implemented the Badi for tax assessment. Please install note 2296119 to correct this.
Saving a goods decription with special characters <, > or & causes problems when sending a message to customs. Please install note 2293967 to correct this.
When creating replicas for eVVs any partner of the declaration can be created as a declarant in the customs declaration on the Partner tab under certain circumstances. This partner is then available in two different partner functions. Note 2299804 makes sure the declarant is only be reported in the processing log of the incoming message.
KBA 2301686 outlines the steps to solve the SNOTE error The data object "LS_PGE_CHECK" does not have a component called "PGETY"
Note 2281112 allows you to print the export list numbers in the export declaration.
Note 2299409 makes sure that the export list numbers are copied to the document if the system is configured to take the statistical goods number from the feeder system.
Community Customs Code of the European Union - deadlines and periods for customs warehousing procedure
Note 2292761 provides program enhancements to consider deadlines and periods for the customs warehousing procedure that result from the introduction of the Community Customs Code of the European Union on May 1, 2016.
GTS Support