SAP Mobile Secure is an end to end Mobile Device and Application Management solution from SAP .
In this blog post , I will touch upon its application management aspects .
SAP Mobile Secure can be used an Application Catalog . An admin can upload applications , categorise them and enable them to be downloaded by users .
Let us first see how an admin can upload applications to the catalog .
Login to and click on Add Application
The different types of applications that can be added are shown in the screenshot below -
Enterprise Application is any Native or Hybrid Mobile app that you might want to add to your catalog .
Web Application can be an application that you might have deployed to HANA Cloud Platform and which now you want to distribute using Mobile Secure
Commercial App Store app is an app from App Store , Play Store or alike . These can be added to the catalog and distributed via Mobile Secure
Let us take a look at commercial App Store first . We can make a selection as shown in the following screenshot :
This would allow us to incorporate any application from Google's Play Store into our Application Catalog .
Clicking on Next would show the following :
We can now start typing the name of the application and will be shown suggestions from the respective app store . We can select one of these suggestions
After selecting the desired app , we can now configure other properties of the app .
Details Tab - We can provide a Description under the Enterprise radio button . A user will see this description while browsing the catalog . If we do not provide a description here , the default description from Play Store/App Store will be used .We can also mark an app as Featured app causing it to be highlighted in the catalog .
Groups Tab -We can add the App to a Group which will cause it to be shown only to users assigned to a particular group .
Multimedia Tab - Under the multimedia tab , we can assign an App Icon and a banner image if the app has been marked as a Featured app .
Categories Tab -We can define categories and every application can be assigned to a particular category .
Owner Info Tab - We can also add co-owners under this tab .
Supported Platforms Tab - This will show the supported platforms for the app . Please note that if the same app needs to be sourced from App Store and Play Store , we need to create two different apps in our catalog , one pointing to App Store and the other to Play Store .
Once we are done with the changes , we need to press Save . Please note that the app has not been published to the app catalog at this point of time . For this we need to Set App to Production as shown below :
Once we click on Set to production , the app will be visible on the app catalog as shown below .
User can click on an app to see the details and download the app to his or her device . Please note that the download option will only be visible on a mobile device/tablet and not on desktop .
We can upload applications of other types in a similar manner .
We can remove an app from the catalogue using the Retire option . Once an app has been retired , it can be deleted from the list of apps . This is shown below .