When is my SuccessFactors Delta Certification Due?
Just a quick tip as some readers asked, how they would know they need to do a SuccessFactors Delta Certification following Chris’ article about his Employee Central Delta Exam.
Well, you should definitely register in the SAP credentials manager / consultant registry (www.sapcredentialmanager.com). This will not only allow customers and recruiters to verify your certifications, but you’ll also receive alerts, when a delta certification is due. This can be as often as twice a year.
In case you miss the alerts, you will also see the expiration date next to your certification. Don’t do the SuccessFactors delta exam at the last minute. If you fail first time round and don#t have time for a second attempt, or for some reason such as connection issues you can’t do the test before due date, you’ll have to do the full certification again to get to “certified” status.
This is how it looks like in the consultant registry (www.sapconsultantregistry.com), when a Delta Exam is due. Pleas enote they use the weird American date format starting with the month (yes, dear American friends: it is weird and you should change it some day. Starting with the smalles unit would make sense, or starting with the largest, but not starting in the middle). Note that this picture shows the 3rd party view you get searching for a name without logging in – so customers can see the expiration date, too: