Hello my dear reader,
The recently found an option here in the SCN that allowed me to create personal blogs, I thought to myself, why not create one?!
A long time I wanted to have a space like this, going beyond social networking to write my ideas and share things I read or researching.
I'll start a series of blogs called "[My developer journal]" I hope that reading is enjoyable to all who read.
On my first day of journaling, I did not have much amazing thing was even a pretty normal day. I thought quite my idea of building in augmented reality based solutions, one thing I'm really obsessed to do. I was always the person type called "poindexter" whenever I'm making things (many crazy and often not leave the papers), I remember as a child I had an idea to create a machine that execute photosynthesis to reduce pollution in industries, based on a molecular process... I was about 10 years old at the time, good story, I'll tell you better some day hehe. Would I have worked ?! I do not know, was 10 years old and infrastructure was the only thing I had not, I could just rely on my imagination and lots and lots of sheets of paper. Is there something that I am very happy and proud to have, imagination.
I finish my record I will ask, do you have fed your imagination ?!