Part 1: Solution Manager 7.2 - Installation and Configuration - I - Installations
Part 2: Solution Manager 7.2 - Installation and Configuration - II - Configurations
Part 3: Solution Manager 7.2 - Installation and Configuration - III - Changes from 7.1 to 7.2
Part 4: Solution Manager 7.2 - Installation and Configuration - IV - Managed System Config - General Info
Part 5: Solution Manager 7.2 - Installation and Configuration - V - Managed System Config - ABAP System
This blog is about the configuration of an ABAP managed system.
Before configuration if you perform below preperation steps it will be easy for you to perform the configuration.
- Register your ABAP system to the SLD of your system landscape
Solution Manager's SLD is usually used for keeping the systems landscape data. (Sometimes there could be PI system's SLD before Solution Manager System's one in the landscape. That time you can configure PI's SLD first and then you can synchronize systems' data to Solution Manager's SLD automatically usind SLD bridge.)
Use RZ70 transaction to register your system to SLD. You need SLD system Hostname or IP and http Port number of SLD.
- Synchronize LMDB from SLD
After registering your system to SLD, LMDB synchronization jobs (SAP_LMDB_LDB_*) runs with 10 mins period value and your systems data is synchronized to LMDB
- Check SMD Agenton your ABAP System Host
If there is no SMD agent on your system install the latest version with SWPM like described below..
If there is an SMD Agent installed on your system, check the version first and then update to the latest version if required.
Use below URL for Agent Administration application.
- Check SAP Host Agent version on your system
It must have been installed during system installation. Use 1031096 - Installing Package SAPHOSTAGENT for the installation or upgrade of the Host Agent.
You can use below commands to find the version of SAP Host Agent.
saphostexec -version
saphostctrl -function ExecuteOperation -name versioninfo
Download the latest Host Agent, Extract it and upgrade it using saphostexec -upgrade.
- Check ST-PI and ST-A/PI versions and Update if Required
Check ST-PI and ST-A/PI versions of your plugins on your ABAP system and upgrade the versions. New installed ABAP system does not have ST-A/PI pulugin so you must download it and import to your system.
The notes recommended in the picture gives detailed information and version compatibality of SAP_BASIS and ST* plugins.
This picture is taken from an EWA report before managed system configuration you cannot get this Plug-In Statuses. But you should check the versions and upgrade them to the relevant latest SP version.
* Installation of SMD Agent with SWPM
- Check the version of the diagnostics agent and kernel. Versions can be checked like the ones in below pictures.
SMD Kernel Version:
- If there is an older version of SMD, uninstall it using SWPM.
- Install the SMD Agent using the latest SWPM and Kernel.
- Download the latest DIAGNOSTICS AGENT from swdc as seen below screen.
- Download latest swpm and latest Kernel files for your platform from Software Logistics Toolset 1.0 page.
- And install SMD Agent using SWPM. The following screenshots are the detailed parameter summary of SWPM.
As you can see in below picture the latest kernel package (SAPEXE* file), latest jvm patch and latest SAPDIAGNOSTICS AGENT is downloaded and declared in SWPM.
And the final successful installation of SMD screen.
*Managed System Configuration Steps
After you registered your ABAP system to SLD, the data is replicated to LMDB you can start managed system configuration of the system using SOLMAN_SETUP on solution manager. Use Solman_admin user for the process. The start of configuration is done like below screen. There are detailed explanations for each step.
There are 10 tabs for completing the comfiguration. There will be a picture for each steps below.
1. Assing Product
You can read the help text.
By setting Diagnostic Relevance automatically we can set the status of the step green.
The assigned prroduct can be seen on the left bottom corner.
2. Check Prerequisites
You execute all automatic activities. If there is no problem you can press Next.
As you see below there is a problem in this step. You check the activity logs and press Show button.
There is details and SAP Note recommendations.
For the solution of the problem the Note "1419603 - Missing ABAP SAP Central Services (ASCS) instance in SLD/LMDB" adressed.
You apply the note and check LMDB whether ASCS instance has come or not. It must be there.
Then execute the activity again.
The status will be green too.
3. Maintain RFCs
In this step select the production client line then select create RFCs or appropriate choice from drop down list, check all checkboxes for the creation of RFCs and Execute. When RFCs are created status will be green.
4. Assign Diagnostics Agent
When SMD Agent is installed on satellite host it is also registered to SLD.
You can check SMD Agents using URL: http://<SLDSystemHostname>:<SLD PortNumber>/smd/AgentAdmin
SMD Agent is listed under Non-authenticated Agents tab. If the version is "INCOMPATIBLE VERSION" Update the Agent first.
Then cliekc Trust Agents to put the agent to Connected Agents tab.
If the host name of the agent is not coming and named as <no server name> you can run below script on satellite host to bring the host name.
X:\usr\sap\DAA\SMDA98\script>smdsetup.bat changeservername servername:"myhostname"
After above processes you can check the status of Assign Diagnostics Agent step. Check the version of the SMD.
5. Enter System Parameters
You fill in the required fields for System Parameters as seen below.
For setting up DBA Connection I chose SQL Authentication and created solmansetup user on SQL Server. (SQL Server must be configured for SQL Authentication type). Then by pressing the "Setup DBA Cockpit Connection " button it is made available.
You save the data to make the status of the step to green.
6. Enter Landscape Parameters
Just check the values of the parameters and update if required and then save them to make the status green. You can select the checkboxes to make some checkes during save operation.
7. Maintain Users
In this step you create or update dialog or technical users and assign roles to those users.
8. Finalize Configuration
There are automatic and manual activities that needs to be fulfilled in Final Configuration step. You can leave postponed activities as is. Fot manual activities got to each transactioon or URL to perform the activity.
9. Check Configuration
In this step, you automatically check whether the system is configured correctly, and you update the statuses in the overview of the Managed Systems Configuration.
10. Complete
This step provides an overview of the steps that have been performed in this scenario, including information about the users who made the changes, and the status of each step.
Managed System Configuration of a Java System is coming next.
Thanks for your interests.