I manually create an additional SAP EarlyWatch Alert session on a future day.
But I want to process the collected data (manually collect data in source system with now option) now, so click start service processing botton now.
The job SM:EXEC_SERVICES_.... for service processing finishes successfully and very quickly. However, after the completion of job, I still need to process service data (the same picture is shown above) and no EarlyWatch Alert report is generated.
The job log for SM:EXEC_SERVICE_...
Compared with the normal processing log of EWA, the following part is missing:
The EWA session is scheduled on a future date, while the job SM:EXEC SERVICES does not process this session.
1997456 - Job SM:EXEC SERVICES does not process the EWA session on a future date
- Schedule a new EWA session for today, and re-generate a new report
- If a session is scheduled on a future date, this session will be processed by JOB SM:EXEC SERVICES scheduled on that day. (so you should be patient and wait...)
- Process the session manually in transaction RSA, for more detailed information, please refer to 1997456 - Job SM:EXEC SERVICES does not process the EWA session on a future date