Hi Guys,
Here is a list of the latest Compliance notes
Compliance Mgt – SPL:
When transferring the spl master comparison transaction /SAPSLL/SPL_STTREXerror message - 'Object /sapsll/tsplidx is locked by user'. The code correction in note 2074448 (version 3) resolves this issue
When transferring a large number of SPL comparison index to TREX server, ABAP program "/SAPSLL/SEARCHTERMS_LOAD_TREX" is terminated due to runtime error "STRING_SIZE_TOO_LARGE". Note 2285323 corrects this issue
In GTS 11 Employees with category = 2 were SPL blocked even when a legal regulation is customized for "Only Check Employees/Applicants against Persons". Note 2291002 was created to fix this issue.
Compliance Mgt – Case Management:
Notes 2290980 and 2292858 have been created to resolve the issue where the "Case Exists" and "Status of Case" fields in worklist are not updated immediately after case creation in the blocked documents report.
GTS Support