If you need Business Objects / Business Warehouse Trial then this blog is for you . Right now SAP offers BW 7.4 SP08 and BOBJ 4.1 free Cloud Application Library trials (you pay only for Amazon Web Services only). The fact that these are two separate trials has its pros and cons. Pros is that you have more flexibility to control AWS costs by starting / stopping BW and BOBJ separately. Cons is that you have to connect BW to BOBJ yourself. In my blog I will explain how to connect BW to BOBJ and demonstrate BW / BOBJ end-to-end scenario.
These are CAL free trials:
These are the costs of running BW and BOBJ instances:
Note: it is important to check Public Static IP address check-box for BW instance to save you trouble updating BOBJ OLAP Connection every time BW is started.
Once BW and BOBJ instances are created, in AWS EC2 Management Console you check and make a note of BW IP address (you will need to connect it to BOBJ). As you can also see BW comes also with front e.g. a remote desktop with SAP GUI and BW Modeling Tools in Eclipse.
Create BW OLAP Connection in BOBJ CMC
It is important to set Authentication mode to Pre-defined, otherwise in Prompt mode Webi will not see our OLAP Connection
Note: that server name is the Public Static IP Address of BW Server from AWS EC2 Management Console
Make TCP Ports of BW Server Accessible from Anywere
Without this BOBJ will not be able to connect to BW. Open BW Server security group in AWS EC2 Management Console
Edit Inbound Rules
Modify first entry
And delete second entry
Save Inbound Rules
Install SAP GUI Business Explorer
What I noticed is that Eclipse BW Modeling Tools are not working because BW Project can not be expaded (it dumps on BW side see trx. ST22). I suggest to install SAP GUI Business Explorer and create BW Queries there and do all the modeling in SAP GUI trx. RSA1. Alternatively you can user other BW Trials (BW 7.4 SP10 on HANA or BW 7.4 SP01 on HANA), but the latter have higher AWS costs.
Create End to End Scenario
Create BW Query and allow external access for the Query
In Web Intelligence create a new report selecting D_NW_C01 BW Query as a source from BW OLAP Connection