Recently I got an opportunity to look into the SAP’s standard out of the box Partner Channel Management. To know more on this, please refer the below blog by Thomas Hensel
Improve Partner Engagement with new Partner Portal for SAP Cloud for Customer
However while practically implementing it, I found many show stoppers related to the missing configuration details on this. Thought of sharing the experience with the community. Before I go ahead with this, I will Thank Pavithran Srinivasan and rest of his SAP team to give us the required support to explore and complete the functionality.
1. HCP account - you should have access to HCP account.
2. You should have access to SAP Cloud for Customer with Admin authorization.
Project Scoping:
Maintain the project scope to include the below options:
If you want Deal registration also to be included in scope of your Portal, please ensure that Deal Registration is also selected.
Business Role:
Create two business roles for the PCM – one for the Partner Manager whiles other for the Partner Contact. One can refer the Help Center to search the recommended access management for Business Role creation.
Maintain the Business Roles in the Business Configuration:
- Go to Business Configuration -> First Implementation Project
- Open Activity List and in Fine-Tune tab, search for Partner Programs (Show dropdown should be “All Activities”)
- Select Partner Programs and click on Add to Project (if not already added). It is editable only when added to project.
- Click on link “Maintain the business role that has to be assigned for the partner contacts created through the Partner Portal”
- Add row and include Business Roles especially Partner contact and Partner Manager. Since Partner Manager is usually the primary contact, tick in the checkbox against “Relevant Only for Main contact”.
- Maintain Partner Program codes, partner types and Partner Program tier level codes
Business Context:
To use SAP Cloud for Customer (C4C) OData APIs user has to configure the connectivity between C4C and HANA Cloud Platform (HCP). If your scenario requires the support of Single Sign-On (SSO), you register an OAuth2.0 client in the SAP Cloud for Customer system, and create and configure an HTTP destination with OAuth2.0 authentication in the SAP Cloud Platform account.
To setup the OAuth2.0 authentication following two steps are needed
- Create and configure OAuth2.0 client in SAP Cloud for Customer to access OData.
- Configure the HTTP destination of OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion Authentication type in HCP.
Setup OAuth2.0 Authentication in C4C:
- Login into the HCP system and open the Trust.
- On the Local Service Provider tap page, copy the entry in the Local Provider Name field.
- Copy the entry in the Signing Certificate field, and save it.
2. Login into C4C using Admin Role.
- In the Administrator work center, under Common Tasks choose Configure OAuth 2.0 Identity Provider -> New OAuth2.0 Provider and configure the settings as follows
- In the Issuing Entity Name field, paste the entry that you copied on step 1a (the entry from the Local Provider Name field in the trust managing settings of the SAP HANA Cloud Platform account)
- From the Primary Signing Certificate field, choose Browse to locate the _signing.cer file that you saved on step 1b
- Select the E-Mail Address checkbox.
- Choose Submit.
- Click Actions -> Activate.
3. In the Administrator work center of SAP Cloud for Customer, choose OAuth 2.0 Client Registration, and register a new OAuth client as follows
- Choose New.
- Specify the client secret (any password of your choice), client description, and token lifetime (in seconds).
- In the Issuer Name field, use the dropdown list to specify the identity provider that you created on step 2.
- Copy the entry in the Client ID field. You will need it later when creating the HTTP destination for the connectivity to the SAP Cloud for Customer OData APIs.
- In the Scope list, select the scopes to which you need access. Select UIWC:CC_HOME.
- Choose Save and Close.
- Communication System:
- Work center -> Administrator
- Section: Integration -> Communication system
- Create NEW communication system
- Enter the ID for the new communication system.
- In the Host Name mandatory field, maintain the Portal Host URL.
- Maintain System access type as “Internet”
- Click on Actions and Set to active.
- Save and Close.
Note: A row is gets created automatically in the system Instances table.
- Communication Arrangement:
- Work center -> Administrator
- Section: Integration -> Communication Arrangements
- Click on Communication Arrangements link and create new
- Select Communication Scenario as Channel Partner Registration Portal callback and click Next
- Define Business Data: Select the Communication system created above in System Instance ID value help and click next
- Maintain Technical data as elaborated below:
- Authentication Method: User ID and Password
- User ID: <user maintained on HCP>
- Password: <password for the User ID maintained on HCP>
- Edit Advance Settings:
- Maintain the URL end point: portal/v1/services/invitations/continue_flow